Ana’s Blog

Is Your Bilingual Kid Mixing Languages? No Worries, It’s Okay

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One of the the things that can put parents who are raising bilingual children off the most – aside from their kid not responding back in the target language – is when they start mixing languages. Our first thought is that our child is falling “behind” in terms of language acquisition, but nothing can be further from the truth. My girl is almost five years old now and is very aware that she’s about to start a new stage inRead More ...

From Great Starts Come Great Things

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Think about it? Isn´t it all about the start? We all start our paths to great things somewhere; whether it´s a thought, a gut feeling, a passion, an intense drive to go after a dream or a goal. Not always are we aware of where that starting point that brought us to where we are is, but we can be proactive about creating those “starting” moments for our children. Just like that day you realized you wanted your child toRead More ...

Why It Takes a Nonconformist to Raise A Bilingual Child

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Earlier last week I had to write my first post on my new blog – Besos – for Babble as one of their new Voices. As I tried to introduce myself to that new audience, I kept coming back to the label of nonconformist which was given to me by my high school friends when the class superlatives were announced. There I was, right under the title of “Class Nonconformist.” No, I wasn’t thrilled with it at all, but overRead More ...

Celebremos el Español: LéaLA

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I´ve been looking forward to this weekend for months now because I get to satisfy my craving for the Spanish-language books that are so hard to find here! How? Thanks to the second annual LéaLA Spanish-language book fair in Los Angeles! Last year I attended the first one with my girl and was in awe of the amount of books, lectures, activities and more that were happening all in celebration of the Spanish language. I became giddy when I saw some ofRead More ...

Unintended Bilingual Parenting Lessons Learned at Mom 2.0 Summit

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Last week was a major whirlwind as I traveled with my mom and my girl to Florida to attend two different conferences: Disney Social Media Moms Celebration in Orlando and Mom 2.0 Summit in Key Biscayne. I rarely ever take my family to conferences, but this seemed like a great opportunity for Camila to bond and reconnect with her abuelita, and it was just logistically the best way to go. Why do I even attend these conferences, you may ask?Read More ...

A Celebration of Moms 2.0 Style! {Laptop Giveaway}

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Life has been ultra crazy, productive, inspiring, challenging, and fulfilling lately and I owe it all to this wonderful world of mom blogging. I get to create content I love, with people who get me and share my passions (you!),  and I can be a happy, albeit a bit frazzled, mom and wife who can be an active part of her family’s life. Aside from that, I get to attend amazing blogging and social media conferences where not only IRead More ...

La Abuelita and Camila Do Disney World

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Since my girl doesn’t get to see her Abuelita very much, we’re always looking for excuses to get the two of them together. We try to get to El Salvador at least once per year, and my mom tries to visit us in Los Angeles once a year as well. This year we were able to find the perfect excuse to spend some amazing quality time together and create the best kind of memories at Disney World in Orlando. IRead More ...

How I Make My Girl’s Lunchtime Special

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As a busy and time-crunched mom, it’s easy to get lost in the craziness of our endless to-do lists and just getting through the everyday routines. To top it off, we have to be our kids playmates, teachers, mentors, captain, event coordinator and guide. And that’s not even counting what it takes to be a wife and just stay sane and healthy! Amidst it all, everyday I make an effort to spend quality time with my girl and give herRead More ...

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