We’re back with Season 2 of MTV Tr3s’s show, Quiero Mi Babya new series that reveals the realities of cross-cultural parenting, including language, religion and tradition clashes, in addition to many other issues unique to bi/multicultural families. This season has some new, unique couples we’re going to introduce you to!

Check out this exclusive preview (meaning YOU WILL ONLY SEE IT HERE!) of tonight’s episode and then see our interview with the couple, Tarsha and Iris, below.

Episode description: “Tarsha never thought she would meet the love of her life in a city with 13 million people, especially since she was no longer into girls. But persistent boxer Iris knew Tarsha was for her from the moment they met so she insisted till Tarsha finally went on a date with her. That night turned into five years, and now they are facing a new stage on their relationship with a little baby in their life.”

SpanglishBaby talks to Tarsha

SB: Tell us a bit about your cultural background and what you hope to pass down to your child.

Tarsha: My background is Indian but I was born in Australia. I want Sharne to have a love of the outdoors and the beach so we may have to leave New York! My family is very close so of course I would like to continue the family values with Sharne but it’s hard when you live on the other side of the world to everyone else.

SB: Was there any discussion about who would be the one to carry and give birth to your baby, or was it something you both just knew?

Tarsha: No I was always going to carry there was no question. I wanted to carry. Iris had no intention to carry and still swears she will never ever do it to her body, being a personal trainer her body is her livelihood!

SpanglishBaby talks to Iris

SB: Tell us a bit about your cultural background and what you hope to pass down to your child.

Iris: I want her to understand her Latin background and speak Spanish of course. Music was a big part of my family life so I play guitar for her and hope she grows to love Bachata and Salsa like we do.

SB: What, (if anything) is something people assume about your new little family that you’d like to address or dispel once and for all.

Iris: People assume we are not going to tell Sharne about her Father or that we are trying to pretend he doesn’t exist. The truth is, that we are going to tell her she has a Father and that she can contact him when she is 15. It’s just like any other adoption. Honesty is the key. We are not trying to fool anyone, least of all Sharne on how she came to be part of this world.

SB: What surprised you about becoming a parent? Has there been anything unexpected?

Iris: I am overwhelmed at how much I can love this child even though I am not the biological parent. It has surpassed anything I ever imagined or expected.

Do you relate to Tarsha & Iris’s story? Want to see what happens?

Watch Quiero Mi Baby on MTV’s Tr3s Mondays at at 9pm ET or on Tr3s.com.

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