Beauty. Belleza. No matter which language you say it in, the word has the power to conjure up some strong emotions and memories which are particular to each individual’s own past experiences. Some of those memories may be full of happiness and self-confidence – a first crush who returned your smile, un besito, the admiring expressions of family members at your quinceñera or on your wedding day. However most women have just as many memories that bring about feelings ofRead More ...
Mejor Hablemos – Talking to our girls about beauty
How Soon Should You Start Saving for College?
If there’s one bill I wished I could just pay off for once and for all, it’s my student loan. Back in 1991 when I applied for my first loan, I really had no idea what I was getting myself into, but it was really my only option at the time because my parents hadn’t really saved or set aside any funds specifically for college. Now that my girl has finally started Kindergarten, I’m actually starting to feel guilty thatRead More ...
Kellogg’s Tour of Gymnastics Champions
Days before leaving to Miami to meet up with Roxana for our crazy, amazing “Bilingual is Better” publicity tour, all I wanted was to spend as much quality time as possible with my girl and husband because I would be gone for five days. Just then, I got an invitation from Kellogg’s for my family and I to attend the Tour of Gymnastics Champions in Los Angeles and I immediately jumped on it because I just knew my girl wouldRead More ...
How Young is Too Young for an Allowance? {Prizes for your responses!}
We’re in our second week of school and I still haven’t brought myself to give my daughter the allowance I had thought I would be giving her as soon as she became a kindergartener. Just last week I shared an article over at Babble titled “7 Tips for Teaching Young Kids About Money and Managing an Allowance” where I mention: I recently had the chance to join a webinar titled “Moms Talking Money,” presented by Women & Co, a service ofRead More ...
Raising an Olympian Hopeful With a Great Start
One of the amazing things about my life as a blogger is to be able to meet inspiring women and moms who will go to great lengths to raise a proud, healthy and successful child, while at the same time taking care of themselves and their family. We know it´s a tall order – a really tall one at times, – so imagine being in the shoes of a mom who´s raised a child who´s on their way to shineRead More ...