Roxana’s Blog

Wordless Wednesday: ¿Te acuerdas de esto?

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Si eres muy joven, seguro no sabes lo que es esto. Pero si eres de mi época, entonces sí. Estoy en una conferencia de periodismo en UC Berkeley esta semana y en el aeropuerto de San Francisco tiene una exhibición relacionada a la televisión. En cuanto vi este poster, me transporté al principio de los años 80 y el día que mi papá trajo un Betamax a la casa y todas las películas que vimos en casa gracias a esa máquina.Read More ...

Ama Tu Cereal: Findings of the Kellogg’s Breakfast in America Survey

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My daughter, who is only 5-years-old, already knows the importance of eating breakfast and, truly, it’s her favorite meal of the day. Even in the midst of the craziness that is our household on weekdays as we get her ready for school and ourselves for work, we make sure she never ever skips this meal. Sadly, this is not always the case for all households, according to the recent Kellogg’s Breakfast in America survey. It found that even though 9Read More ...

Wordless Wednesday: ¿Conoces Aspen?

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La vista desde el apartamento donde mi esposo y yo celebramos 10 años de matrimonio el fin de semana pasado. ¿Conoces Aspen? ...

Wordless Wednesday: Tri-co-tri!

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Time to Jump: Kids Trampoline Review

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Jumping. Why do kids love to do that so much? Like most kids, Vanessa was hooked as soon as she mastered the skill. Lately, she’s been jumping the three stairs that separate the level of our house where her room is from the one where ours is. She thinks it’s the most awesome thing in the world! Me? Not so much. I always worry she’s going to get hurt. So when I got the opportunity to review the Bounce andRead More ...

Wordless Wednesday: Antes y Después

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Oh what a difference 24 hours makes! El martes hizo calor (lo cual es raro para Denver a finales de octubre). Hoy miércoles nos levantamos a esto. Pienso tomar otra foto mañana que saldrá el sol y la nieve desaparecerá tal cual llegó. Prometo compartirla. ...

Wordless Wednesday: La Mariposa

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Vanessa, el nombre de mi hija, significa mariposa. No wonder she loves them so much. El domingo fuimos al Butterfly Pavillion, un lugar maravilloso donde tienen miles de mariposas sueltas de todos los tamaños y colores volando por todas partes. Lo único que Vanessa quería era que una se parara en su dedo. ¡Hasta que lo logró! Needless to say, she went home ecstatic! ...

Celebrating Hispanic Heritage Month with El Chavo (and Shakira!)

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My daughter Vanessa always wants to know what kinds of games I played as a child or what kinds of song I sung or what kind of books I read. Sometimes I use that as an opportunity to expose her to our culture in a fun way. Well, the other day she asked me what kind of stuff I used to watch on TV. When I found “El Chavo del 8″ DVDs at Walmart, I knew I had to getRead More ...

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