{© 2011 SpanglishBaby Media}
Jumping. Why do kids love to do that so much?
Like most kids, Vanessa was hooked as soon as she mastered the skill. Lately, she’s been jumping the three stairs that separate the level of our house where her room is from the one where ours is. She thinks it’s the most awesome thing in the world! Me? Not so much. I always worry she’s going to get hurt.
So when I got the opportunity to review the Bounce and Learn Interactive Kids Trampoline by Skywalker, I jumped on the idea. My two favorite things were the padding on all the metal parts and the enclosure. I also love the safety ring handle because it means my 2-year-old son, who still trying to figure out this jumping thing, can actually get in there and get a few bounces.
The bottom of the trampoline has the drawings of three animals: a cat, a dog and a bird and each makes a sound when jumped on. I must say this can be fun, but it gets old and a bit annoying fairly quickly. Luckily, it’s easy to turn it off when that happens!

{© 2011 SpanglishBaby Media}
Assembling the thing looked a bit harder than what it actually was and Vanessa wasn’t too happy about it. It did take my husband and my daughter a bit of time (at lease 45 minutes) to put it together and as Vanessa so what the deal was, she was so happy that she didn’t care what she had to do to help assemble it.

{© 2011 SpanglishBaby Media}
As soon as it was ready to go, the kids wasted no time putting it to use and for once I was happy they were jumping because I didn’t have to worry they would get hurt.
The trampoline is the perfect size not only for our backyard – which is not huge and already has a play structure that takes up almost half of the area – but also to have inside in the playroom, our basement, now that the weather is starting to change.

{© 2011 SpanglishBaby Media}
Now that we’ve had the trampoline for a little bit, I must say that I do remember that as a child, I loved going to my uncle’s house because he had a huge trampoline – and a pool! – that I love to jump on all the time. Jumping. What can I say? I guess it’s a lot of fun!
Bounce and Learn Interactive Kids Trampoline by Skywalker is available at Walmart for $89.
Disclosure: As part of the Walmart Moms program, SpanglishBaby received compensation and the product to facilitate this post. As always, all stories and opinions are our own.
sporty with trampoline very good specially to children because to train coordination ability and their leg strength