Once upon my life I lived in South Beach only blocks away from the turquoise Caribbean Sea. One day, I got tired of the calmness and beauty of it all and decided I was ready to embrace a bit of chaos in my life. You know, wanting to grow up and all that. This was before I hit my Thirties. So, I sold everything I had, packed my bags and moved to Mexico City. Just like that. Against everyone´s advice thatRead More ...
Do You Really Know What Dirty Air Tastes Like? I Do
Pachamama Day aka Earth Day
httpv://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KbwsQLiBHM4 No words, just this song by Andrea Echeverri–a true Pachamama connector–and los Aterciopelados. Bondad Espiritualidad Honrad a la pachamama Beldad Universal Cósmica Bondad Majestad Honrad a la pachamama In English: Kindness Spirituality Honor the pachamama (mother earth) Beauty Universal Cosmic Kindness Majesty Honor the pachamama (mother earth) How do you honor Mother Earth on her day? ...
SpanglishBaby Interviewed on Vme’s TuBebe
httpv://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PWAnh_TxQmo&feature=channel_video_title We will always jump at the chance to be invited to talk about our favorite topic of all times: Raising bilingual and bicultural kids and the rewards and challenges that come with it. One of our constant partners and promoters is Vme TV. We have been organically writing about Vme ever since we launched, even before they believed enough in us and you to sponsor SpanglishBaby, because we´ve always believed they have the best free educational programming for Spanish-speakingRead More ...
Why We Joined the Moms Clean Air Force
Living in Los Angeles is not for the faint of heart. We live with the constant threat of tsunamis, wild fires, earthquakes (too often referred to as “The Big One”), and contaminants in our air. You can say it’s the price we pay to live in average 72-degree climate and under the most gorgeous skies, not to mention our sunsets, mountain ranges, sushi and beaches (albeit freezing waters!). Last week was an intense one, to say the least, with theRead More ...
Mamá Meltdown
I was not a good mamá this morning. I lost my patience big time and entered into the biggest battle of wills with a tiny person with a really strong head (guess where she gets that from?!) This week I finally started committing to a resolution I´ve had to wake up at 5:30 am to have some ME time. The day goes by so quickly with mom-duties, house-duties and business-duties that I never get around to the me-duties. After consideringRead More ...
Bilingual Brains Are More Flexible. I’ve Got My Own Proof.
Remember a couple of weeks ago I told you that my daughter needs to be evaluated by a speech therapist because her clarity is below average for her age? I’m still waiting to get the appointment due to health insurance coverage issues. (No surprise here, huh?) Meanwhile, I’ve noticed something that left me in total awe and completely gave me one more point to validate her bilingualism. As I’ve mentioned before, my girl has no problems expressing herself and isRead More ...
I Used to Dance. ¿Qué Pasó?
How is it that once we become moms we lovingly give so much of ourselves that we slowly let those elemental pieces of our soul fade away? Not only am I a mom, but a WAHM, that has to constantly juggle the dance between bringing in cash for my part of the home budget and being an involved mom and wife. In an effort to do it all, I forget about myself. Yes, it´s the same old whiny, whiny motherRead More ...
My Girl Needs Speech Therapy. No, It Has Nothing to do With Her Being Bilingual!
Yes, that´s right. We´ve hit the dreaded speech development wall. My girl, Camila, turned 3 years old in August. She´s been making sounds and talking up a storm as soon as she discovered she could. She has never been the calladita type. She´s loud, full of energy and always has something to say. Problem is, only a handful of people actually understand what she is saying. She is up to speed with the amount of words in her bilingual repertoireRead More ...