Five years ago today, my husband and I brought Camila into this world. She was healthy as can be, active and awake from day one, and loved and taken care of with an obsession characteristic of first-time parents.
Every year she’s hit her milestones right on target and continues to mature into an intelligent, creative and loving girl. Every year on August 18th we celebrate her life with a party of some sorts — cake, a piñata, friends, games and plenty of gifts. What we never do is really and deeply recognize just how incredibly blessed we are to have these annual celebrations with her.
Until now.
Thanks to Shot@Life and the United Nations Foundation, I’ve learned that, unlike my daughter, most children in developing countries never make it to celebrate their 5th birthday because they lack basic medical care and the routine vaccines that we have ready access to and may even, in radical cases, take for granted.
The exact and overwhelming figure would be that 1 in 5 children around the world lack access to life saving vaccines. In fact, immunization saves the lives of 2.5 million children every year.
To put the above statistics into perspective, it means that the number of kids that die every year from preventable diseases in developing countries is nearly equivalent to half the children entering kindergarten in the U.S.
Now that really brings it home for me because, not only is my daughter turning 5 today, but she’s also entering kindergarten on Monday. She’s one of the lucky ones around the world that has access to vaccines and has gotten to celebrate all her 5-years-of-life milestones.
Today I ask you to make your comments count and help me celebrate my daughter’s birthday. Help me create with this post a living testament that Camila’s 5th birthday will be one to be remembered, because the real gifts she receives will be your comments and the joy to know each one left here through the end of August will be matched with a $20 donation* — what it costs to give one child four life saving vaccines and help them on their way to celebrating their fifth birthday and first day of kindergarten.
Your comments in the last three and a half years have meant the world to me. You’ve been part of my girl’s evolution as a bilingual princesa. You’ve held my virtual hand when it’s gotten tough. We’ve laughed together at the nuances of our shared challenges. You’ve celebrated our triumphs. Now, I ask you to celebrate my daughter’s life with a comment and a shout out to your friends to join the party. A simple “Feliz Cumpleaños” left in the comments below will not only light up Camila’s face now and for the years to come when I show her this, but it will also become a $20 donation that will give one more kid a real Shot@Life.
You know we all like a good fiesta, let’s make this a huge and memorable one!
And if you want to make it even bigger, once you’ve commented here, head over to Jenny Eckton of Formerly Phread who passed the Blogust baton to me with her inspiring post “Help the Child, Help the Mother.” Then, follow the relay tomorrow over at Ilina Ewen’s blog, Dirt & Noise. Every comment here, there and on all 31 posts until August 31st will count towards our goal. You will make it count.
*This post is inspired by Shot@Life, an initiative of the United Nations Foundation that educates, connects and empowers the championing of vaccines as one of the most cost-effective ways to save the lives of children in developing countries.
During Shot@Life’s Blogust: Blog Relay for Good, 31 bloggers, one each day in August, are writing about people from our communities who have inspired us. Every comment on this post and the 30 other posts will be matched with a $20 donation (up to a maximum of $200,000). That’s 10,000 comments. And 10,000 children. $20 is what it costs to give one child four life-saving vaccines to help protect them against measles, pneumonia, diarrhea and polio. A child dies every 20 seconds from a vaccine preventable disease. We can help stop this.
You can learn more about Shot@Life by joining their email list, following them on twitter or liking them on Facebook.
Want an easy way to share and help us reach our goal faster? Just click to tweet this:
Happy birthday to the beautiful Camila! Enjoy your day linda!
Happy, happy birthday, Beautiful Camila! Five is such an awesome age! Congratulations, Big Girl! Congratulations Mom!
Happy Birthday Camila!! You look beautiful in your outfit.
Thank you to your mom for helping save other kids’ lives.
Feliz cumpleaños a ti!! Ana happy birthday to your sweet girl! What a wonderful way to celebrate.
Thanks for sharing your thoughts on your daughter’s birthday. I hope it has been wonderful. Thanks for the opportunity to help other children.
Feliz Cumpleaños! Happy birthday!
Kindergarten is so much fun! You’re going to love it.
Happy birthday to your beautiful daughter – beautiful on the inside too, evidently. I hope more kids can grow up to be as kind and generous as you’re raised her to be.
Happy Birthday, Camila! I hope you have a great day!
Happy happy 5th birthday Camila!
What a wonderful gift you are giving to others. Hooray!
Feliz Cumpleanos ! How wonderful to be generous and beautiful and FIVE!
So much to celebrate today! A fabulous fifth birthday and amazing Ana – a most wonderful person and mother!
What a lucky little girl to have a Mami like you. Happy, happy 5th birthday!!!
Happy birthday!
Happy birthday Camila! My daughters turn 10 tomorrow! It’s a great weekend for a birthday! Thank you for such a wonderful gift
Happy Birthday to beautiful little Camila. Here’s to a shot at life for another child!
Happy Happy Birthday!!! What an awesome way to celebrate her life!
I can’t believe she’s already 5. So cute and getting so big. I love that she wants a pinata that looks like her LOL!
You share these stats in such an amazing way… the one about children’s deaths equaling half the amount of kids going to kindergarten each year in the US… that one really got to me. Wow!
I’m glad our comments are helping reduce that. Thanks for your part! And happy birthday, Camila!
Happy Birthday to your beautiful little girl! And, wow. These stats are so shocking! I love what you are doing and happy to support! Felcidades nuevamente! xoxo
Happy birthday! Enjoy your fifth year and good luck with kindergarten. I know you’ll love it!
Happy birthday, Camila! What a special way to celebrate and share!
Happy Birthday from me and my baby daughter, Lily. I did not know that so many children do not make it to five years. We are so appreciative of what you’re doing!
Happy birthday! Five is such a great age!
Happy birthday to you! Feliz cumpleaños a Camila y a los papás de Camila
Se les quiere y que lo pasen cheverisimo. Besos!
Happy Birthday!!
Happy 5th Birthday to your little girl! My little girl turned 5 in May. We are so blessed! And thank you for bringing awareness to the fact that vaccines DO save lives!
Happy Birthday little sweetie! I am so proud of you for helping other little kids stay healthy!
Happy Birthday Camila! You are so lucky to have lived this long and will continue to live a long, healthy life thanks to your mom, dad, and Vaccinations!
Felicidades. Many blessings to you and all those kids that now have a better shot.
Hope you have the happiest birthday yet! Such a great idea.
Happy birthday! What a great day and a fabulous way to celebrate.
Happy birthday to your sweet girl!
Happy Birthday Camila!!!
happy birthday!
Camila is beautiful. That smile shows how much she is loved and cared for. Happy birthday, sweet girl!
Happy Birthday Camila!
Feliz Cumpleaños Camila! (And congrats to you, mami!) Five is a big deal.
But as you pointed out, every birthday is a big deal, one we take for granted. I love that this initiative will help give more kids those big deal birthdays they all ought to enjoy.
Feliz cumple, Camila! TQM!
Camila, que dios te bendiga en el día de tu cumpleaños. Que disfrutas de tu día con tu familia en México.
Happy Birthday Camila
¡Muy feliz cumpleaños, Camila! Puras bendiciones para ti en tu día. Ana, felicidades a ti también por celebrar el día en que todo cambió y te convertiste en mamá. Qué belleza que hoy celebres a tu hija ayudando a otros. Besos!
Imagine being the mom who loses a child knowing we have the means to prevent it. Kind of crazy, isn’t it? Let’s help more children make birthday milestones.
Feliz Cumpleaños Camila! It was very nice meeting her at Azul on Thursday Ana. Enjoy the rest of your time with family and thank you for being part of such an important campaign:)
It’s sad to know that easily preventable childhood illnesses steal valuable lives…
Happy Birthday Camila, good luck in Kindergarden!
Ana, what a wonderful way to celebrate! Thank you for bringing awareness to this epidemic that can be prevented.
Felicidades Camila..un abrazo!!!
Happy, Happy Birthday, Camila! And to you, Ana, a happy birth-day as well!
Feliz cumpleaños Camila! I hope you enjoy your day today and your first day of kindergarten on Monday!! A big hug to you and your mommy from Guatemala!
Happy birthday, little clever girl. How exciting for you it is to grow up with 2 languages! I look forward to reading stories about you because they prepare me for what’s to come for us- my big girl is 3, and the little one is 1. I wish you a beautiful 5th birthday!
Happy Birthday Camila! What a great way to celebrate (although I’m sure there’ll be cake too).
My daughter is starting Kindergarten in just a few weeks and it’s certainly poignant to think that many mothers never get to see their children hit their 5th birthday. Happy Birthday, Camila!
Happy Birthday! What an amazing way to celebrate!
Happy Happy Birthday, Camila! You share a birthday with my sister, so that means it’s an extra extra special day.
A VERY happy birthday to your daughter and thank you for being part of this amazing project!!
Happy birthday!
What a special day! Congratulations to you (giving birth is no small feat!) and your precious little darling on this milestone. I have priceless photos of my son’s fifth birthday party at a nearby park; may this day be remembered fondly in your hearts for the rest of your lives.
You did a wonderful job of using your celebration to personalize the shockingly horrible statistics you shared. Thank you for being a part of this month of astounding opportunity to so easily save young and helpless lives.
Haaaaappy Birthday Camila!
Happy happy birthday to Camila! The power of Blogust to create a world with so many more opportunities like birthdays for children around the world is so very amazing!
Happy birthday!
Felicidades Camila te aseguro que este sera tu mejor cumpleaños!!
Happy Birthday – and what a lovely way to celebrate!
Feliz cumpleaños, Dios te bendiga y conceda los anhelos y peticiones de tu corazón.
Happy birthday to your little one! And congratulations on starting kindergarten. This is huge.
Happy Sweet Fifth Birthday Camila! May all your dreams come true and blessings on your way with the touch of our loveable God; enjoy this day. Beautiful detail of your Mommy…. Have a Blast!
Happy Birthday Camila! Enjoy your day and have a great time in kindergarten!
Feliz Cumpleaños Camila! I hope you have a fantastic birthday and fabulous year.
Feliz Cumplean
Happy birthday!
Happiest of Birthdays Camila! Kindergarten is going to be a better place with you in it!!
Happy birthday to your beautiful daughter! May she live a long, happy, and HEALTHY life!
Feliz Cumpleaños! Great cause. Thanks!
¡Feliz cumpleaños, Camilita!
Thank you, Ana, for hosting Shot@Life today!
♪♪♪ Happy Birthday Camila! ♪♪♪ Wish your beautiful princess a fun day filled with lots of love and happiness!!
Feliz cumple a Cami, y creo que no hay mejor manera de celebrarlo que compartiendo el amor con el mundo.
Muchas felicidades y que pasen un día maravilloso!
Happy 5th birthday to your daughter! Thank you for being involved in this initiative.
Many blessings and much happiness on your birthday and everyday Camila!
Congrats & happy b-day
Happy birthday! Hope you have a fantastic day.
Feliz Cumpleaños!
What a beautiful gift for your daughter and for thousands of children all over the world!!!
Happy birthday!! Heres to other children getting the same chance at more birthdays too!
Happy birthday. Thank you for participating in such a great cause!
Ana, your daughter is beautiful! What a wonderful cause. I hope she has a very happy birthday. Cheers!
Happiest of Happy Birthdays Camila! Every child deserves a chance!!!
Happy Birthday Camila! 5 years old, wow! Andre says Happy day to you!
Happy Birthday Camila! Enjoy your special day!
Happy Birthaday Camila!!
Happy birthday to your lovely daughter!
Happy Birthday sweet Camila!
Happy birthday Camila! Feliz Cumpleanos!
Happy birthday Beautiful girl!!!
from our little Leo and new kindergartner to yours— Feliz Cumpleaños! You are amazing Ana!
Very Nice Cool Happy birthday Baby!
Feliz dia Camila! Many blessings and hugs to you on your day and thank you for sharing them with children around the world.
Happy happy birthday! Thanks for participating!
Happy birthday!! Your post is a great present to C and kids all over. Thank you.
Happy birthday to your sweet girl. What a wonderful cause!
Happy birthday to your little girl!!
Feliz Cumpleanos beautiful!
what an amazing way to celebrate such a special birthday!! thrilled to have met you at EVO and so excited to be involved in Blogust with you!
Feliz Cumpleańos Camila! May all 5 year olds have access to everything we do!
How selfless. Love it!!! Happy Birthday, princess!
Happy Birthday Camila!!
What your Mami is doing is a wonderful thing!
Wishing you more birthdays to come and with this
more precious children like yourself can do the same!
Tons of birthday hugs & fun sweetie!
Eileen and her boys {Victorio & Carter}
Happy birthday Camila! Thank you for giving light to this heartbreaking fact. We all need to contribute our part to change something that is preventable , and look outside our own bubble towards the larger community. Gracias Ana por inspirar y ayudar con tus acciones.
Feliz Cumpleaños!
Feliz cumpleaños, Camila! Que pases lindo con tus papitos que te quieren mucho y que sigas creciendo feliz, bella e inteligente. Dios te bendiga
Feliz Cumpleaños! Happy 5th Birthday! What a special little girl you are!
Happy Birthday!!! What a great to celebrate!!
Feliz Cumpleanos!
Hau’oli La Hanau Camila! (means Happy Birthday in Hawaiian!? Wishing you the very best 5th birthday! woohoo!!! Feliz Cumpleanos
Happy Birthday, Camila! What a wonderful way to celebrate such a beautiful girl’s special day.
¡FELICIDADES CAMILA! Mucha suerte con el primer día de clases
happy birthday camilla. This is such a fab idea…
Thank you for reminding us to make a difference for children! Lovely picture of your daughter – mine has moved to your neighborhood (L.A.) working as a nurse at Cedar Sinai and having such a great time! Also nice to see that you are bilingual always admire someone having the ability to converse in different languages.
Happy birthday precious Camila!!
Happy Birthday and best wishes to your daughter! Hope you and your family have a wonderful day <3
Feliz Cumpleaños Camila! You are so cute!
Happy Birthday Sobrinita, lot’s of love!
Happy Birthday, Camilla! Just know your mommy is doing a wonderful thing in your honor.
Feliz Cumpleanos Camila! This post is a beautiful gift to share with the world.
Happy birthday to your daughter and soon a lot of mothers from third world countries will be able to say the same to there daughters.
I am a proud mom as you are ..I learn from my kids all the time .They have so much love in there hearts…Happy Birthday …and love is the best gift for anyone ….
♪♪♪ Happy Birthday Camila! ♪♪♪
¡Feliz cumpleaños, Camilita!
A very good way to share your birthday.
What a wonderful day! Happy Birthday, little wonder
Happy birthday, Camila! You are a special blessing from God. Keep trusting Him as His little princess!
Happy Birthday, Camila!
Happy Birthday & Feliz Cumpleaños!!!
Feliz Cumpleaños and Happy Birthday! It was my son’s fifth birthday this week, as well. We are so lucky to have healthy Kindergarteners and it’s wonderful that your blog is part of making that a reality for more parents in the world. Thank you!
Thank you for a beautiful post. Thank you for sharing a birthday wish with Shot@Life!
Feliz Cumpleaños beautiful Camila!
Happy birthday! I have a child entering kindergarten also. Here’s hoping more children have that chance.
Feliz Cumpleanos!!!
Happy Birthday, Camila! Ana, thank you so much for letting us be a part of Camila’s birthday this year.
Felicidades Camila!!! A beautiful year to a most beautiful little princess!!
What a beautiful girl! Happy birthday to her, and thanks for helping make it possible for other kids to make it to their 5th birthday too.
Happy Birthday to beautiful Camila!
Happy birthday to your little one and thanks for giving kids another shot at life!
What a great idea for a birthday celebration! Congrats and Happy 5th Birthday!
Thanks for sharing and a very happy birthday! I just celebrated mine, and the best present was being able to give to others with these blogs! Comments count!
Happy birthday!
Happy Birthday! What a beautiful girl, and a beautiful cause.
Feliz cumpleaños chaparrita!
Feliz cumple Camila!
Yay for birthdays! And yay for vaccines.
A very sapo verde to Camila!
(y buena suerte on Monday! My kids are back to school the same day!)
Happy birthday, Camila. Five is an amazing time of life — for all kids.
Happy birthday!!!! I hope 5 is wonderful
Happy Birthday Camila! Thank you so much for helping spread the word about Shot@Life and for participating in blogust.
Feliz cumpleaños! Thanks for writing and supporting a great cause
Camila, Happy Birthday! Feliz Cumple! Be happy, never worry, love the world and smile. Its the little things in life that matter. Now go tell mom you deserve 5 pieces of cake:)
We all try to do are best even if thing are not what we want….
Happy birthday and thank you for bringing recognition to this important initiative!
Feliz cumpleaños a ti!! Ana happy birthday to your sweet gir! Fantastic way to celebrate.
Camila, happy happy birthday! You are a lovely and bright girl – your mommy is very proud! Felicidades
Feliz cumple Cami!!!!
Feliz cumple, Camila. Kindergarten es el comienzo de un camino espectacular.
Happy birthday Camila!
Happy, Happy Birthday! Five is magical!!!
Camila is growing into a beautiful girl, just like her mama. Happy birthday!
Happy Birthday to your big girl! Mine girl turns 5 August 28th. We are very lucky to have healthy little ladies! Blessings to your beautiful family! XO
Feliz Cumple Camila!
Happy birthday, Camila–and have a wonderful school experience!
Happy Birthday!!!! What a wonderful gift, helping others. Nothing is better!
Estas sooooon las mañaniiiiitas, que cantaaaba el rey Daviiiid!
Happy BDay Camila!
Felíz cumpleaños, Camila! Que tengas salúd y alegría siempre.
Cumpleaños feliz! te deseamos a ti! cumpleaños Camila!! Happy Birthday to you!!!!
Feliz Cumpleaños, Camila! I hope that your birthday is fantastic, and that these “gifts” posted on your mom’s blog, impact you throughout your life to always love your neighbor– even those half way around the world!
I have always loved leaving comments on blogs, but this project makes me want to scream with joy! Such a pleasure to leave a comment knowing how much good it will do.
Happy birthday!
Camila, feliz cumpleaños a ti!! Ana, wishing you beautiful girl a wonderful day!
Feliz cumpleanos Camila! May this be a very special time for you. Thank you for helping do something so special for other children around the world. My own two granddaughters turn 5 years old and entering kindergarten this year as well.
God bless us all.
Happy Birthday, Camila! May you be blessed w/ more love and joy in the many years to come!
Feliz cumpleanos Camila! and thank you for helping other children around the world to have Birthdays and the vaccines to be healthy.
It wonderful to think that we can help children everywhere lead healthy lives. I admire you for not taking good fortune for granted.
Happy Birthday Camila!! My daughter Jane just turned 5 and is starting kindergarten too. Exciting times!!
I hope you have a fabulous birthday, little princesa!
Hope your little one’s day was lovely and bravo to you for this wonderful work.
Cumpleanos Feliz! Hoy es la fiesta para mi hijo Patchito.
Feliz Cumpleaños Camila!!!
Happy Birthday Camilia. Have a wonderful day.
Congratulations to your daughter’s special day. Thank you for sharing it with the rest of us. When you use a special occasion such as this and use it as a type of measuring stick for what we are trying to accomplish here, it really makes you appreciate the scope of this project. That’s why I’m happy to leave this comment in hopes that it helps a child in need. God bless.
Camila is a beautiful girl! Happy 5th Birthday!
I think many of us don’t stop to recognize that the privileges we enjoy are not normal/common. Americans are a small minority as far as population… MOST people in this world suffer many more dangers and difficulties and this is a wonderful reminder to inspire gratitude for the blessings we experience… even the poorest Americans… as compared to the rest of the world and the rest of history! What a remarkable time and place to truly CELEBRATE a birthday each year!
Camila is such a beautiful girl! Happy 5th Birthday!
This is a wonderful inspiration to gratitude. We don’t stop often enough to realize that Americans are not in a common/normal experience. WE are in the minority to have such privileges as we do and rather MOST of the world experiences much greater trials and sufferings that we have to bear. What a great time and place to CELEBRATE a birthday! And may that flow over in helping others who do not have as much as we do!
Feliz dia! What a wonderful gift you are giving her and so many other children!
Beautiful! Thanks for celebrating and sharing.
Oh yay! I’d almost forgotten to post my comment for today. Happy Blogust 18th.
Happy Birthday Camila!!!
Happy Birthday to your smiling daughter – and che-ching for $20 worth of donation!
Feliz cumple! My heart breaks for all the parents that go through a heartbreak of losing a child, and I am thankful for this post to help support the cause.
Happy Birthday, Camila!! And thank you Shot@Life for this wonderful program.
Happy Birthday. The Big 5. Enjoy it.
Happy Birthday Camila! Celebrating you, your mom & dad and your your families big heart. Hoping this initiative will help many children.
You go girl! Happy Birthday to your little treasure!
Have a wonderful first day of kindergarten, birthday girl! You will be great!
What an awesome way to celebrate Camila’s birthday, Ana! Congrats on making it count and on your generosity, and for teaching that generosity to your child. Feliz cumple Camila! You are very lucky to have such an incredibly inspirational and powerful mom!
Happy Birthday to your beautiful baby girl! I wish her enless joy, success and love.
Feliz cumpleanos to you beautiful little girl one day late! Thanks for helping many other beautiful little girls (and boys).
Wishing Camila a very happy 5th birthday and hoping that kids all around the world reach their 5th birthday thanks to you and all the participants in Blogust!
Happy Birthday!!!! May all your birthday wishes come true
Feliz cumpleaños Camila, que pases un dia fenomenal y que Dios te vendiga con muchos años más.
I hope your beautiful little girl had a wonderful birthday and I hope your comments keep on rolling in to support an incredible cause!
Happy Birthday! Feliz cumple!! What an awesome way to celebrate your birthday!!!
Happy birthday princess!!
Feliz Cumpleaños Camila!
Happy birthday Camila!
Congratulations on your 5th- and on having had the luck to be born into such a great family!!
What a beautiful way to celebrate a beautiful day! Happy birthday!
Happy and Healthy 5th birthday!
What a thoughtful birthday gift! xoxo
Inspiring! Happy 5th B-Day!
Happy birthday to your girl!
What a wonderful idea! Feliz cumple, Camila!
Feliz cumpleaños Caminar!
Happy birthday, Camila!
Happy Birthday to your darling daughter & what a wonderful thing you and all the other bloggers are doing! Camila will definitely look back at this particular birthday and will know just how much her mami cherishes her and many other children that she has never met. That speaks volumes of the both of you!
Feliz Cumpleanos Camila! What a beautiful way to celebrate your life. Such a wonderful idea, teaching our children that birthdays are not just about recieving gifts and having a party but giving to others as well. Que Dios te bendiga siempre.
Feliz Cumpleanos!!!
Happy birthday to Camila! TY for doing this and making sure other lil ones get to their 5th bday too. Keep up the great work Ana!
Feliz cumple Camila. Que sigas celebrando en grande estos 5 años de vida. Bendiciones, salud y todo el amor de tus padres y familiares.
Rory, Chris y Chloe!
What a wonderful cause! Sending birthday wishes to your little one.
Muchas felicidades Camila! espero que hayas pasado un día muy felíz!
Feliz Cumpleanos Camila!
Happy cumple! She is so adorable and what a wonderful way to celebrate her big 5! Un abrazo. Julie
What a gift it is to have a 5 yr old!! The magic number 5, the birthday so many little ones never get to see. So glad your girl had a great birthday!! xoxo
Feliz Cumpleanos and my best wishes for an amazing year! I can’t believe your beautiful girl is 5 already. I remember you pregnant!! Thanks for doing such a lovely thing for Camila’s birthday and thanks for being an inspiration to this Mami of a now 1 year old!!
Happy Birthday!!
Feliz Cumpleaños Camila! I hope that you have a wonderful year. Have a great first day of school tomorrow too!
¡Que niña tan bonita y tan grande! Feliz cumple Camila!!!
Feliz Cumpleaños Camila!
Happy birthday Camila, And Ana, have a great recovery of the birthday of your little girl!
What a great way to celebrate her life, raising money for other children.
We are so fortunate to raise our children in a country where we have access to good medical care. I am thankful as well to be able to raise my children and not worry about whether they will live to 5. Thank you for your post and the chance to help other children have a ShotAtLife. xoxo
Happy Birthday Camilla! Keep this love for others ever present in your life.
Feliz Cumpleańos Camila! This idea is FABULOSO! Thank you for drawing attention to such an important cause, and for giving me a great idea to follow with my own nina’s celebration. Felicidades!
Happy birthday and fabulous post!
Happy Birthday!
Such a wonderful way to celebrate a birthday! I hope you all had a wonderful celebration!
Such an amazing idea. Thanks for the chance to help make a difference.
What a great cause. Happy birthday, Camila!
Feliz Cumpleaño – Happy Birthday, Princesa Camila! You will love Kindergarten!
Yey! This is so exciting! We are all raising money together to help someone! Right now I am pretty much vaccinating a kid to protect them for life! Thanks for being part of this!
HAPPY BIRTHDAY! This is so exciting! We are all raising money together to help someone! Right now I am pretty much vaccinating a kid to protect them for life! Thanks for being part of this!
Happy Birthday Camila!!!!! Lots of love, health and happiness sent your way.
Happy Birthday to your little girl! Thank you for being an advocate of such a great cause as Shot@Life and thank you for your blog.
Happy Birthday Camila! Congratulations parents on doing a great job! Thanks for your concern regarding the world’s children who are in need of basic immunizations most of us take for granted.
Felicidades, Camila. Gracias por ayudar a los demás.
¡Feliz Cumpleaños Camila! Los 5 es una edad tan bonita. Para mi hijo fue la edad de transición entre ser un bebe grande a un niño grande
Happy birthday Camila!
Happy, happy Birthday, Camila! What a great way to celebrate your amazing life.
Psst… You’ll love kindergarten!
Happy Birthday Camila!
Happy Birthday!!!!
Happy birthday Camila!! My little guy, Nathan will be 5 in November!!! Such an exciting birthday!!!!
Feliz Cumpleanos y Happy Birthday! August 18 is our anniversary so wanted to comment on this day (even if I am late) – happy it is also Camila’s birthday. Heathly children are a blessing and something to celebrate
What a great idea (particularly in this stuff-laden country of ours) to invite friends to give to someone less fortunate than ourselves for a birthday. A friend of mine has hosted her own birthday party for the last few years, inviting friends and family to donate time and money to assembling hygiene kits for people in developing countries.
This is a fantastic initiative, raising awareness, raising funds and making it easy for us mouse-potatoes to get involved and help out.
It should also encourage us to think – and discuss – the necessary education campaigns that should accompany such immunisation drives. There is still a lot of ignorance to be overcome, even in developed countries such as the USA, and unfortunately, we are now also dealing with the backlash of the covert operations in Pakistan that took place under the guise of vaccination campaigns.
Lots of work to do, but, as the famous proverb says, “a journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step”
Thank you for participating!
It’s a wonderful what you and your husband are doing for your child. I didn’t realize that every year our children reach another a birthday, they are reaching their goals and dreams every year. It is a privilege to be part of child getting most need vaccination. Thanks for being a part of a great organization -Shot@Life.
Como cada comentario cuenta, aquí va otro
My daughter is starting kindergarten, too, this year! Happy Birthday to your daughter! Bon Anniversaire!
Here’s giving more children a shot at riding the bus!
(So nice to meet you at the Shot@Life booth at BlogHer!)
Happy Birthday to Camila and big hugs from one kindergarten mother to another! Trying my best to keep it together today but aren’t we lucky to have this day to celebrate!
Feliz cumpleaños – a little late – to your princesa! So sad to know others have been unable to celebrate, but hoping many more will be able to with the help of this campaign.
Thanks so much for the chance to bring shots to children in need. It is hard in every day life to find the opportunity to do such good with so little effort. Thanks for what you and Shot@life are doing!
Thank you for your contribution to the Shot@Life!
I’m hoping that additional comments count towards the total. I’m making a second pass through the calendar to catch a few days I missed the first time around.
I just love this idea so much so here is comment #2 for me!
First, I hope Camilla had a birthday fit for the princess that she is!
Now, I recently got back from a wonderful weekend in Ottawa Canada with an organisation that is near and dear to my heart. World University Service of Canada (WUSC) works to bring students from refugee camps in Africa and Asia to study in Canadian universities and colleges. I told everyone about Blogust and what a great fundraising initiative it is. What I wouldn’t give to find a generous donor to contribute to WUSC’s Student Refugee Program (SRP) in the same way! I am currently fundraising in my own small way for the SRP by challenging myself to run a half marathon in December and blogging about it here:
Communities, be it online or otherwise, coming together for a cause is just so incredibly inspiring to me!
Thank you, Ana, for taking part!
now who can turn her down! blessings to her and you for being a part of this amazing campaign!
Very good blog post. I certainly appreciate this site.
Continue the good work!
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Great blog post, I hope she was able to get what she desired
This is a great success for shot life… i am very happy for them
that meets many more years !! so excellent blo..sigan
Its really amazing blog post
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