Photo by moi
¡Hola! You’ll find a little bit of everything in today’s links…
1) Los Cisnes Salvajes – Go over to Cody’s Cuentos so you can hear this classic from Hans Christian Andersen, the story of the sacrifice a sister is willing to make for her siblings. I love the way this was recorded by Maclovia. I wish I could tell Vanessa cuentos the way she does. Extremely enjoyable!
2) “La Bandeja Típica/Paisa” Colombia’s Favorite Dish – “Ever wonder why Latinos love to eat? It’s because food is part of our culture. Even during this so called “recession” we have to have our Goya products. Whether it’s a ceviche, arepa, arroz con pollo or platanos, we have so much to choose from. Growing up I expected to eat rice, beans, chicken, steak, lentils, potatoes or something in between.” This is by far my favorite Colombia dish, the only thing is that it’s a LOT of food, but really good food. Like the post’s author says, if you find yourself in a Colombian restaurant and you’ve never tried their food, this is a great choice! Enjoy!
3) Most Latino Children in the US Were Born Here, Study Says – “A majority of Hispanic children are now the US-born children of immigrants, primarily Mexicans who came to this country in an immigration wave that began around 1980, according to a report released a few days ago. The analysis of Census data by the nonpartisan Pew Hispanic Center charts a demographic shift among the nation’s 16 million Hispanic children, who are one of the fastest-growing child populations in the United States and already account for more than one out of five US children.” The most amazing thing, according to the study, is that in about 15 years, one in THREE children in this country will be LATINO! Increible!
4) CNN Plans Latino Documentary – “Following last year’s successful Black In America documentary series, CNN will turn its cameras on America’s Latino community with the two-part documentary series Latino In America premiering in October. Latino In America, hosted by CNN personality and Black In America host Soledad O’Brien, will focus on the growing U.S. Hispanic population and the pertinent issues that face the community. The first part of the series will explore the lives of people across the country who share the surname “Garcia,” the eighth most popular family name in America. The second part focuses on how four different communities are meeting the challenges of disparities, immigration and discrimination in terms of language, education, citizenship, and cultural identity.” It’s about time… this should be interesting…too bad I don’t have cable!
5) Cómo Manejar Las Citas de Juego – “En la edad preescolar, es muy común que los niños tengan citas para jugar con sus amiguitos y aunque las citas de juego son muy beneficiosas tanto para niños como adultos (por el pequeño respiro que nos brindan), es importante tomar en cuenta ciertas consideraciones. Antes de dejar a tu hijo(a) en casa de otra familia o de que alguien deje a su niño(a) con ustedes, es importante que se comuniquen los padres para asegurarse de que hay un entendimiento común acerca de qué va a suceder durante ese tiempo.” Although I’ve been a part of all of Vanessa’s playdates, these are valid points all mothers should be aware of when planning to attend or host them.
6) What is a Latina? – “I just read a column titled “When is a Latina not a Latina?’‘ The author, part Puerto Rican and non-Spanish-speaking, details frustrating moments when she was neither white enough nor Latina enough. I shook my head in empathy as I read it, for as an American-born woman of Cuban, Spanish, Scottish and Norwegian heritage, I have been there. And, as the column detailed, the questions and pronouncements about my particular flavor have come from both Latinos and non-Latinos.” Although I’ve never really experienced this myself, it’s a great read from Carrie – one of our favorite mamás blogueras. By the way, if you haven’t checked out her new blog, Tiki Tiki (it’s hers and three other Latinas – two of whom you’ve read about before here in SpanglishBaby), I suggest you go there immediately. ¡Te va a gustar!
Finally, a review and a GIVEAWAY for a book that looks awesome:
7) Before You Were Here, Mi Amor - “Pregnancy is a time full of wonder, excitement and much preparation. Children often exhibit curiosity about their birth, especially when their own mother becomes pregnant. My daughter poured over the new baby and sibling themed books I brought home before her brother was born. It helped her prepare for a sibling, and she never seemed to exhibit an “adjustment period” because we involved her in the pregnancy. She especially loved hearing stories of when she was a baby growing inside my belly.” This is an incredible coincidence and I know exactly what Brimful Curiosities’ author is talking about because we’re going through what she describes right now. Just last night, Vanessa asked me to “cuéntame el cuento de cuando yo nací.” She has loved hearing that story for a while now, but even more so now that she has a baby brother on the way. I don’t know how much she understands, but she seems to love hearing about it. I’d love to win this book myself and you probably would too. So, go on over there to read the review and to enter! I already did!
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Can’t wait to run over to Carrie’s new blog – thank you for letting us know about it! You girls keep us up to date and current! Thank you / gracias.
Boca Beth’s last blog post..Music Monday with Boca Beth’s Fun Bilingual Songs for Children!