One of the best things since the creation of SpanglishBaby has been the amount of stuff I have discovered related to anything bilingual and bi-cultural. Although there is not a whole lot out there, I have to admit I’ve been surprised about some of the things I’ve found. As an avid reader, I’ve always complained about the lack of bilingual/Spanish children’s books in both bookstores and public libraries, but lately I’ve discoverd things are not as bad. So I presentRead More ...
4 Latino/Hispanic Publishing Houses You Need to Know
Yo Quiero Links!
Not lots to share with you this first Sunday of June… Although both Ana and I are very excited about a new website related to bilingualism and reading. It’s called Bilingual Readers and it’s actually a “publishing company which provides bilingual resources for families and communities.” Go over there whenever you get a chance and check it out! We can’t tell you how happy we are that more and more sites related to bilingualism are appearing all the time… ...
Traditional Songs + Finger Plays for Your Bilingual Baby
I love going back home for a lot of the obvious reasons, but also because, as an avid reader, it gives me a chance to stock up on books in Spanish. Now that I’m a mami, I’ve added children’s books to my list. The selection tends to be much more varied than back in the States–especially now that we live in Colorado! I know there’s always the option of getting books online, but there’s nothing better–for me, at least–than toRead More ...
Yo Quiero Links!
Another week, another roundup of great stuff related to all things bilingual, including a summer reading list that you will love! 1) Census Bureau Estimates Nearly Half of Children Under Age 5 Are Minorities – The U.S. Census Bureau today released national population estimates showing that our nation is becoming older and more racially and ethnically diverse. The estimates found that nearly half (47 percent) of the nation’s children younger than five were a minority in 2008, with 25 percentRead More ...
Top 10 Books For Parents Raising Bilingual Children
To continue the celebration of books, today we’d like to share with you a list of ten resourceful books to keep inspiring your bilingual journey. OK, we know just the thought of reading A book these days is a daunting task, much less ten. Don´t panic, this is just a list for you to keep in your personal archive and refer to when you need some extra advice and/or expert encouragement. ...