
Read to Your Niño!

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BabyCenter en Español has released the results of yet another survey. This particular survey was about fathers and how they interact with their children. Here is the data that caught my eye: Actividades preferidas que los papás disfrutan hacer con sus niños: • Jugar con él: 60% • Dormir con él: 18% • Bañarlo: 13% • Leerle un cuento: 1% • Otra cosa: 9% Source: BabyCenter en Español Do you see that? Favorite activities for fathers to do with theirRead More ...

My Bilingual Daughter’s First Year in an English-only School

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I feel like such a wimp, but I’ve been crying like a baby the last few days. They’re mostly tears of happiness, but they’re tinged with a bit of sadness too, for time come and gone. Vanessa graduated from kindergarten yesterday and I’m so happy to report that it’s been an incredible first year of school for her — and for me. For starters, all my worries about my daughter’s English abilities (since we only speak to her in Spanish)Read More ...

How Reading Skills Transfer Across Languages

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Many Spanish-speaking parents hesitate to teach their children to read in their home language because they worry that this will make it more difficult for their children to learn to read in English. Nothing could be farther from the truth! In fact, the more children know about reading in their first language, the easier it will be for them to learn to read in English. Thinking first about pre-readers, we know from years of research that there are certain foundationalRead More ...

Books & Libros: ¡Disfruten la primavera!

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For those of us who live in year-round warmth (i.e. here in Florida), springtime means the HEAT has arrived. For many of you, though, it means the snow is melting and the sun has decided to appear. No doubt, that’s something to celebrate! Keep your kids busy during Spring Break — or spend some of that lazy beach time — reading a selection of topics from this list of primavera-themed books. Entertain them with Clifford’s aventuras or use the weatherRead More ...

Reading in English and Translating into Spanish… at 5 years old!

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Something truly amazing happened yesterday! As I’ve mentioned before, Vanessa has been learning to read in school and I’m quite impressed by how well she’s doing and how quickly she’s perfecting her skills. Not to mention the truly incredible thing she’s doing by transferring those reading skills into Spanish all by herself. Vanessa likes to read to her little brother, but last night, he chose a book in English and asked her to read it. She knows perfectly well that SantiagoRead More ...

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