We all know that once we committed to raising bilingual kids, we embarked in a journey that is not always as black and white as it may seem. You may have chosen the best method of raising children in two or more languages that works for your family, or maybe you found an excellent dual immersion program that can provide much of the necessary input. In any case, there are a few things to keep in mind across the board thatRead More ...
Raising a Bilingual Kid: Useful Do’s and Don’ts
Talking Raising Bilingual Kids on the TODAY Show!
I’m still in cloud nine. We’ve been trying to land a spot on the TODAY Show for a few years now, but especially after we published our book Bilingual is Better last year. Why? Because we want to bring to a national platform our message that raising kids in more than one language is one of the best gifts you can give them. We have been blessed with interviews on Univision and Telemundo to promote the book, but we wantedRead More ...
20 Expert Tips on Raising Kids to be World Citizens
The world has definitely become smaller the more connected we are. It’s much easier for anyone these days to be globally minded and connect with someone in the other side of the world and to learn about different cultures without leaving your home. But that doesn’t necessarily mean that individual societies are also more open and diverse racially, culturally and ethnically. Some days when you turn on the news it actually feels like whole groups are becoming much more closedRead More ...
5 Tips to Exercise Your Bilingual Brain
We talk about bringing up our babies bilingual, but what about improving and polishing our own bilingual skills? I have heard many of us say that we don’t live in an area where Spanish is spoken or we have significant others who are not native speakers, so English is the dominant language. I lived in the UK for six years, where I went months without speaking Spanish. I even found myself struggling to come up with words when I wouldRead More ...
Are Two Languages Better Than One? {Infographic}
It’s always fun to see the benefits of bilingualism laid out in a colorful infographic like the one below I found on UnivisionNews.com. Monolingual VS Bilingual infographic ...
Celebrating Diversity and Teaching Kids Empathy
Not only is my daughter an only child, she’s also a mom blogger’s only child. You could correctly assume she’s a bit — okay, a lot! — spoiled. It’s just the nature of our life. She gets mom’s and dad’s undivided attention when we’re together, and there’s nothing we want to change about that. As a mom blogger’s daughter who lives in L.A., she’s gone to Disneyland and Disney World as a VIP more times than she should have atRead More ...
The Importance of Play in Raising #BilingualKids
The benefits of teaching children two or more languages are immense and really the best gift you can give them. Research has proven that bilingual kids are better multi taskers, they can concentrate and focus better, and they have enhanced literacy skills. Not only is bilingualism beneficial to the brain, but it also opens kids up to wider cultural perspectives and understandings. That said, parents must be motivated and willing to put in the effort and consistency necessary to successfullyRead More ...
7 Fun Board Games to Play in Spanish
My family loves to play juegos de mesa: from Candyland to Monopoly to dominó, it’s a chance to have fun as a family while speaking lots of Spanish. Some games that we love can be manipulated a bit to play in Spanish, such as Pictionary, Taboo and Scattegories. But here is a list of our favorite board games to play that encourage lots of communication and reinforcement of concepts, without the need to change anything or buy a “Spanish version.”Read More ...