Bilingual Education

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Spanish is Fun Language School

400 S. Colorado Blvd. Suite #230

Denver, Colorado


Contact Information

Silvia Cubillos Velez


Elementary School

Middle School

Type of Program

Enrichment Class

Parent/Child Class

Summer Camp

After-school Program

Website Address

Spanish is Fun offers classes for adults and children six days a week, with monthly events like “Hora Social”, and quarterly IMMERSIONS, as well as Spanish Summer Camps for children from 4 years to 11 years, which start in June. We are currently accepting applications for the summer camps at all of our six sites in the Denver metro area. Nos vemos pronto ! ...

Is My Daughter Shy? Or Is She Not Bilingual Just Yet?

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While the majority of children in the United States will be going back to school this week, Vanessa just finished her third week in first grade. Recently, my husband and I were invited to a sort of parent/teacher conference so Vanessa could get an assessment in terms of her reading, writing and math skills. It was an opportunity for us to let her teacher know about Vanessa’s learning style, her likes and dislikes, and also for us to get toRead More ...

How to Prepare Spanish-dominant Kids for English-only School

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Ask my mother-in-law about U.S. Geography and she throws her hands up in defeat. In her elementary school, geography was taught in the third grade — the year she arrived from Cuba. Instead of memorizing state capitals, she was busy learning a new language, culture and city. Academically, third grade was a bust. I’ve been thinking a lot about that story recently as I prepare to send my youngest to a preschool. He’s a rambunctious child whose English vocabulary isRead More ...

Let’s Encourage all Kids to Learn Another Language

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I was one of those very lucky kids who attended a dual language immersion school. Although I moved around a lot as a child — living in 5 countries in 3 continents by the time I was 14 — I spent five solid years at my mother’s alma mater back in Peru and I was instructed mostly in English from 4th to 8th grade. As far as I remember, I only had a handful of courses, including Historia and GeografíaRead More ...

Educational Resources for Bilingual Kids

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Back in the spring, I was invited by New Futuro to participate in a really cool event hosted by Que Rica Vida in Chicago with the purpose of providing information and tools to Latino parents to be able to help their kids succeed. Aptly named Infórmate y Edúcate, the free event conducted solely in Spanish was a huge success with over 500 people in attendance. I must say I was honored to be in the company of some great LatinaRead More ...

Bravo to Illinois for Understanding Why Bilingual Education is Crucial!

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I might just have to move to Illinois. In case you didn’t know, earlier this month, Gov. Pat Quinn, signed a bill, which aspires to strengthen bilingual education in that state. Illinois plans to do that by first evaluating the state of bilingual education in its schools and then presenting a report to lawmakers and state education officials by Jan. 1 with their findings and recommendations. I’m not going to lie, listening to Gov. Quinn make the following remarks during theRead More ...

Have Bilingual Children Become a Commodity?

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With the rise of dual language education in the U.S., have bilingual children become a commodity? In other words, are children who walk into the dual language classroom already speaking two languages possessing a highly valued commodity: bilingualism? The question, though, still remains, whose bilingualism is valued? Is it the “middle class” students bilingualism or is it those students who come from “lower class” homes? To distinguish between “middle” and “lower” I’d like to clarify how I am referring toRead More ...

Our First Day of Kinder Spanish Dual Immersion

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The day we’d been awaiting for finally came: first day of school at Franklin Language Academy’s dual immersion Spanish class. Camila, my husband and I had been getting all the essentials like the backpack, lunchbox, name tags and such ready, but we had also been gently reminding the girl that this school would be different than her Montessori preschool because it was all in Spanish. I even took her with me on a trip to Cancun last week where sheRead More ...

My Daughter Is Not As Bilingual As I Thought

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Did that headline shock you? It shocked me to write it and admit it because I’ve been claiming for years now that my 5-year old is completely bilingual. I mean, we’re doing everything right, or at least we were for a while. First let me tell you why and how I realized she’s not as bilingual as I thought and then I’ll explain where I think we messed up. Fisher-Price invited Roxana and I to be one of their PlayRead More ...

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