About: Vanessa Bell

Vanessa is a Cuban American, bicultural Latina, building a legacy for her biracial children through memoir writing, explorations of identity and documentation of their food culture, travel and positive parenting. She believes in creating a purposed legacy, and is driven to help other parents do the same. Find out more about her mission at www.DeSuMama.com


Twitter: DeSuMama

Disney “Planes” In Theaters Now!

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Disney’s “Planes” is now in theaters nationwide! I was fortunate to learn some behind the scenes information representing SpanglishBaby at the DisneyToon Studios, even interviewing  Teri Hatcher (voice of Dottie) and the film’s Director and Producer too. It was an awesome experience, especially since this Disney film is extremely special. Main character, Dusty, is but a simple crop duster from the farm town of Propwash Junction, USA. Together with the support of his best friend Chug and over-protective mechanic Dottie,Read More ...

Q&A with Teri Hatcher of Disney’s PLANES

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Disney “Planes” flies into theaters later this week  and, here at SpanglishBaby, we are super excited! On behalf of the SB familia, I was invited to visit the DisneyToon Studios  for a behind the scenes view at the making of “Planes” and even interviewed it’s Director and Producer. Full review of the movie is coming soon, but needless to say, I am SUPER excited for you to check it out! One the endearing characters of the film is Dottie theRead More ...

The Making of Planes: Interview with Director and Producer

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The world of “Planes” is soaring above us and is scheduled to land on August 9th. During my Behind the Scenes visit at DisneyToon Studios, I got to catch up with two people that helped bring it all together: Director Klay Hall and Producer Traci Balthazor-Flynn. While I sincerely enjoyed screening the film and am excited to take my daughter to see it again, meeting these two film makers was definitely the highlight of #DisneyPlanesEvent. Little did I know that, asRead More ...

Behind the Scenes Look in DisneyToon Studios for the Making of PLANES

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Disney’s new animated film “PLANES” is landing into theaters on August 9th, but SpanglishBaby readers get a first look at a behind the scenes making of the world above “Cars.” Disney invited us into their DisneyToon Studios for a full day of learning and to experience how our favorite films are made. We also got to preview the movie, which will surely be a family favorite! It was definitely one of mine. Not to worry, complete review will be comingRead More ...

My Blinders Are Off: What Trayvon Taught Me About Parenting

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I have this way of dealing with things that are really really scary – I close my eyes. I’ve always been that way. Whether it be hearing my parents argue, trying to fit into a crowd (physically or culturally) or raising kids to be Latino enough, shutting my eyes makes everything right. Ignorance can truly be bliss. That’s exactly what I did after Trayvon Martin was gunned down by a vigilante. I closed my eyes and kept raising my SpanglishRead More ...

Disney Pixar’s Monsters University Is A Scary Good Time

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It is officially summer and it also marks the release of Disney Pixar’s newest family film, Monsters University. The prequel of the adored Monsters, Inc., Monsters University takes you back to when Mike and Sully were college rivals. As a SpanglishBaby contributor, I had the privilege to attend the Monsters University Hollywood premiere on behalf of our SB familia. Tail gating on Hollywood Boulevard with many of Los Angeles’s celebrities and their families was quite the experience, but having theRead More ...

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