About: Jennifer

Jennifer raised her three children speaking Spanish and English. She holds a Master’s degree in Spanish Literature and has been teaching Spanish for over twenty years. She shares resources for teaching Spanish to children on her website Spanish Playground.


Twitter: SpanishPlaygrd

Fun and Easy Activities to Introduce Basic Science Vocabulary in Spanish {Printable}

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Editor’s Note: The following is a list of activities to accompany the blog post “PEEP Science Videos and Activities in Spanish“. You can also click the link at the end of the article to download and print. Las sombras–el sol, la sombra Play Sol y sombra, a variation of the traditional game Mar y tierra. Line up along the edge of the shadow of a tree or building. The leader calls out sol or sombra and the others players jumpRead More ...

Add a Sticker Librito {Printable Activity}

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My kids loved libritos when they were small. The little pages were the right size for their hands and they would color the books just the way they wanted. My students like making mini-books too, especially one I think of as the “add-a-sticker” librito. These books have an object or simple background on each page as a setting. Children use identical stickers to add a “character” and create a wordless book. Then they can tell their story. This is aRead More ...

Story Stones To Create and Inspire {Printable Activity}

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Érase una vez…Once upon a time there were… three children who loved to hear stories. And so, like millions of parents around the world, I told story after story, and soon the three children began to tell stories, too. Stories are an integral part of childhood and language development. Story stones are a wonderful way to help children begin to tell stories in Spanish. The stones are colorful and fun to hold and arrange. This is important because children learnRead More ...

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