
Blogging Carnival on Bilingualism

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 Photo by A.M. Kuchling

Photo by A.M. Kuchling

Just a quick note to make a couple of announcements. First, we wanted to let you know that it’s that time of the month again… time for the blogging carnival on all topics related to bilingualism.

One of the awesome things about it is the variety not only of bloggers and their styles of writing, but of experiences related to raising bilingual/multilingual children. Some of the things they write about I can totally relate to, while others are completely new ways of looking at things.

This month our friends over at Bilingual Readers are hosting the carnival and I can’t wait to read what all the other bloggers are contributing! You really don’t want to miss it and maybe next time, you’ll consider submitting an entry.

Speaking of next time, we’re actually very happy we’re hosting the carnival right here on SpanglishBaby in February. The carnival puts together a series of articles written by those interested in the subject of bilingualism. If you’re reading this blog, that most probably means you! To be part of this collection in February please send us your link to madre (at) spanglishbaby (dot) com by Feb. 19th. And, for more info on the carnival, please go here.

Finally, we just wanted to remind you that our call for paid contributors is still going on. You have until Jan. 29th to send us the stuff we asked for here to be considered.

Thanks and have fun reading :)

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