Trying to define what it means to me to be Hispanic or Latina is a question I have asked myself all my life and in a few paragraphs I will try to come to a satisfying answer. It’s important to understand that, although I was born in the United States, the fact that I was raised in Mexico makes me a Mexican. However, the fact that I went to college in the U.S., that I have voted in the lastRead More ...
What Being Latina Means to Me
Introducing Our Contributors: Elsie
We are thrilled to be introducing you to our five regular contributors. As we mentioned on Monday, each one brings a different perspective on raising bilingual and bicultural children. We have already introduced Chelsea, a single mom who’s raising her son bilingual (English/Spanish) even when Spanish is not her native language. On Tuesday, you met Susan, a mother of two who is raising her son trilingual (English/Spanish/German) and has tons of ideas on how to do it. Today, we’d likeRead More ...
Yo Quiero Links!
¡Hola! You’ll find a little bit of everything in today’s links… 1) Los Cisnes Salvajes – Go over to Cody’s Cuentos so you can hear this classic from Hans Christian Andersen, the story of the sacrifice a sister is willing to make for her siblings. I love the way this was recorded by Maclovia. I wish I could tell Vanessa cuentos the way she does. Extremely enjoyable! ...
Yo Quiero Links!
1. Exposure to 2 Languages Carries Far-Reaching Benefits - People who can speak two languages are more adept at learning a new foreign language than their monolingual counterparts, according to research conducted at Northwestern University. And their bilingual advantage persists even when the new language they study is completely different from the languages they already know. Yet another study that shows the benefits of learning more than one language... ...
Yo Quiero Links!
It was all about the H1N1 flu (a.k.a. swine flu) this week. Everywhere I turned, that’s all everyone was talking about. So, today’s Yo Quiero Links! is kind of lean… ...