Editor’s note: In the next months, we’ll be bringing you interviews with those who have first-hand experience with dual language immersion schools or programs: the parents who have their kids enrolled in them. The idea is to give you a closer look at what these programs are really like, how and why they work, as well as some of the challenges they face. Thanks to our contributor Elsie for coming up with this great idea! After sharing my experiences investigatingRead More ...
A Closer Look at Dual Language Immersion Schools: San Rafael Elementary
Antonio Banderas Tells Us Why Language Connects Our Children to Culture {Video}
<iframe width=”600″ height=”450″ src=”http://www.youtube.com/embed/Zz2enLZvLIo” frameborder=”0″ allowfullscreen></iframe> Antonio Banderas probably never dreamed that his character of Puss, which was first introduced in Shrek 2, would take him down a magical road that is making a huge stop at the end of this year with the premiere of his own starring role as Puss in Boots. We were part of a small group of bloggers and media invited to get a sneak peek of the first hilarious 13 minutes of the filmRead More ...
Alina Rosario-Los Niños en su Casa + Her Bilingual Family
Several weeks ago I was invited to visit the set of the PBS series Los Niños en su Casa which is produced in Los Angeles (actually five minutes from my house!). As a blogger you get invitations to events that are not always relevant to what you write about. You attend most because it’s a good way to network and meet other bloggers. We don’t write about them all because we want to maintain the trust you have given usRead More ...