Editor’s note: We’re spending this week celebrating dads raising bilingual kids with guest posts written by them in honor of Father’s Day. We love having the dad’s perspective and hope this series encourages other papis to share their stories with us. On November 11, 2009, I was just another young man trying to make his way in the world. Some of us college-aged kids from church were starting a small group, and we were kicking it off with a little get together atRead More ...
SpanglishBaby Dads: How I Fell in Love with Spanish & Became a Bilingual Father
Easy & Useful Gift Idea for Father’s Day
Father’s Day is right around the corner, and since we’ll be far away from home because we’re traveling to Puerto Rico on Friday, I’m letting the kids give their gifts to their dad a bit earlier than usual. Originally, I freaked out about this because I’m already under a lot of pressure as I try to prepare and leave everything ready for our month-long trip. But then, I reminded myself that celebrating Father’s Day is not a huge deal toRead More ...
Keepsakes to Cherish for Father’s Day
My husband is not huge on Father’s Day, but he loves it when Vanessa (and now Santiago) makes stuff for him, whether it is a drawing or a cookie. Since she is out of school already, there wasn’t going to be any crafts made by her as a gift for him on Sunday. Until I found this really cool and easy-to-do craft to make your own stepping stones for your garden. It’s called Made by Me Stepping Stones Kit andRead More ...
SpanglishBaby Dads | The Best Inheritance: Raising Our Daughter to be Trilingual
Editor’s note: This is the fourth and final essay in a week long series for Father’s Day written by papás who are raising bilingual and bicultural children. We hope you’ve enjoyed all of the essays this week. If you missed anything, you can always go to the introductory post for links to the essays and to our awesome giveaway! Long before our daughter Aylin Carolina was born last October, my wife Deniz and I decided what she wasn’t going toRead More ...
SpanglishBaby Dads | The Pros and Cons of a Language Barrier
Editor’s note: This is the third in a week long series of essays for Father’s Day written by papás who are raising bilingual and bicultural children. We hope you come back to read the rest of the essays this week. If you missed anything, you can always go to the introductory post for links to the essays and to our awesome giveaway! We could get away with everything as kids. Or so we thought. Mom and dad didn’t understand EnglishRead More ...