Wow..this was a short month! I feel I just finished writing last month´s, and the first one in the series, Educational Apps of the Month post. As I mentioned last time, most of the apps we´ve reviewed are for the iTunes apps platform just because that is what I use. However, Susan jumped in on the apps game and wrote a review of several Android apps for bilingual kids. Check it out. Now on to our Educational Apps spotlight forRead More ...
Educational Apps of the Month–February
Android Apps for Bilingual Children
I love technology! Not only is it fun to use, but my students love when I use it in the classroom. Whenever, I assign a project, I try to incorporate technology since it engages and stimulates the students. Learning Spanish becomes more meaningful and exciting in the lives of young people when modern technology is incorporated into a lesson. Recently I have discovered that this same phenomenon occurs with my own sons. Inspired by Ana’s posts on the educational appsRead More ...
Speakaboos Brings Stories to Life + A Valentine’s Gift For You!
Reading plays a critical role in raising a bilingual child. My sons and I always enjoy reading books together. Thanks to modern technology, we are able to have a wide range of exciting and interactive reading experiences. While traditional books have always been fun, we also enjoy stories and books on-line. The website Speakaboos offers an engaging and interactive way to develop your child’s reading skills. This educational site features well-known and fun stories presented through video. The text isRead More ...
VOW: Un Barquito de Cáscara de Nuez
All videos on YouTube from Spanish artist, Miliki, are always a family favorite. My mom in El Salvador loves to play these for Camila and my niece, and they just keep asking for más y más. A classic–enjoy! Un Barquito de Cáscara de Nuez httpv:// You have any favorite videos your kids love to watch? Anything that makes them sing and dance are on our list! ...
Educational Apps of the Month {Giveaway}
Some months ago I wrote a post featuring 9 handpicked apps for bilingual children; it has since become one of our most popular and shared posts. Since then, more and more great educational apps for children have been created and we realized we needed to share our finds more consistently. So, we’re starting a new monthly series where we’ll showcase a few of those educational apps we feel you will enjoy. This time they are all iTunes based, but weRead More ...
Foreign Language Friends Educational Website {Giveaway}
I think I’ve mentioned that my motto around here is, “Anything goes, as long as it’s in Spanish.” This means we have quite a few DVDs in Spanish but not many in English. It’s why we’ve put together quite a library of books in Spanish as well, so that we always have plenty to choose from. However, when it comes to computer games in Spanish, I’ve found the selection lacking. In fact, the only Spanish website my sons are everRead More ...
9 Handpicked Apps for Bilingual Children
No doubt our children are growing up in a digital and connected world. Smartphones, computers and portable gaming devices are all around them since they are born. Rather than shield them, I advocate for teaching them the best use of technology. I do carry an iPhone with me and I don´t know what I did before it. I have a great collection of apps that keep my daughter entertained while in the car during long drives or at moments whenRead More ...
Playful language learning online
As much as we´d like to avoid technology and fill our kids’ days with pure and natural activities, the reality is they are growing up in a different era where well-balanced technological skills are a necessity. Why not offer your child some fun and educational computer play while learning some words and phrases in Spanish at the same time? Win-win! Go Go Lingo is a new on-line language game that uses animated games and a fun “playful immersion method” toRead More ...