Disclosure: As a participant in the Walmart Moms Program, I’ve received product samples and compensation for my time and efforts in creating this post. All thoughts and opinions are my own. Although Las Posadas is not something I celebrated as a child, I believe the beautiful tradition is something worth exploring with my kids. In a way, it’s similar to the Puerto Rico tradition known as parrandas, where a group of people go from house to house singing and playing musicalRead More ...
Las Posadas Craft: Make Your Own Farolitos
Free Christmas Coloring Book in Spanish From Bebe Lanugo
Our friends at Lanugo have put together this Christmas coloring book for us to share with all of you. The Lanugo Christmas coloring book celebrates our cultural traditions during this time of year. Inside you’ll find los tres Reyes Magos, a page dedicated to el villancico “El Burrito Sabanero,” and much more! Click here for the printable version of the Lanugo Christmas coloring book. ...
Christmas Craft: Easy DIY Ornaments with Messages in Spanish
Disclosure: As a participant in the Walmart Moms Program, I’ve received product samples and compensation for my time and efforts in creating this post. All thoughts and opinions are my own. My 7-year-old daughter, Vanessa, loves it when I tell her we’re going to do a craft together. Although I’m never sure if I’m doing things right, just quality spending time with her and my younger son trying to make something beautiful and unique with our own hands is enough toRead More ...
Winter Activity Sheets in Spanish {Printable}
Celebrate winter and all the new wonders it brings with your niños and these printables. This set of printables in Spanish includes an activity sheet for the seasons of the year to practice reading and retention, and a winter snowman activity perfect for learning geometrical figures. Click here for the full printable version of the activities previewed above. For more Spanish educational materials for niños visit Monarca Language and like them on Facebook. ...
DIY Washi Tape Turkey Thanksgiving Gratitude Cards
Thanksgiving is almost here and before we have a house full of food, family and friends I wanted to take time with my kids to make cards to thank those that are in our lives. My kids love quick crafts and I love easy clean up! These DIY washi tape turkey Thanksgiving gratitude cards are definitely fast and so easy, not to mention the little turkey is adorable! My son is now learning to write sentences so this will beRead More ...
Kids Service Activity: Neighborly Thank You Gifts
Here’s a great idea: Neighborly Thank You Gifts with Free Printables to kick off your Thanksgiving week! The lovely thing about this activity is that it’s super kid friendly and you can share it with your vecinos or la policia, the local fire fighters, el cartero, or your family members when they come over for Thanksgiving dinner. If your children are little then all they have to do is hand out the notes as is, but I bet they stillRead More ...
Make a Gratitude Alphabet in Spanish
My kids enjoyed doing these gratitude cards so much, that I figured they would love working on another craft for Thanksgiving that would be all about being thankful. This time around, I asked them to help me put together a gratitude alphabet in Spanish. There are different ways to do something like this, but we went the sketchbook route where each letter gets its own page with a corresponding image on the opposite one. I particularly wanted to do thisRead More ...
Free Thanksgiving Bingo and Memory Printable Games in Spanish
Thanksgiving, or Día de Acción de Gracias, marks another beautiful holiday during which we get to spend time with our family and share traditions. To celebrate, Monarca Language put together a fun Thanksgiving-themed bingo game in Spanish that’s perfect for family game night during the holidays! The best part is that once you print out the pages for this game, you can also use it to play a game of memory or memoria! Two games in one! Click here forRead More ...