Bilingual Education

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Little Stars Child Care

1019 East 34th Street

Los Angeles, California


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Type of Program

Dual Language Immersion

Bilingual Education


What if There are No Dual Immersion Programs in Your City?

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We’ve spent the last few days exploring the realm of bilingual instruction and I have to admit I’m truly fascinated with the subject and its possibilities as it relates to my daughter’s future education. However, all the research has lead me to the realization that, unfortunately, we don’t have a lot of options where we currently live. I used to think I still had plenty of time to figure out what will happen when she enters kindergarten — about 2Read More ...

Foreign Language Academies of Glendale: A Dual Immersion Case Study

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We’re on our third day of our series on bilingual education, but before we get into today’s case study, I’d like to remind you the topics we have explored so far. On Monday, we started the series with a post about the difference between bilingual education and dual immersion programs. On Tuesday, we gave you a more detailed description of dual immersion models. Today, we present you with an example of how one school district in Glendale, California has beenRead More ...

What are Dual Language Immersion Programs?

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Although I believe I already was a supporter of dual language immersion programs prior to the extensive research I’ve done to put together this education series, now that I’ve learned more of its intricacies I can definitely say I have become one of its fervent advocates. Allow me to  tell you why. A well-designed dual immersion program encompasses the “best of both worlds,” as I was told repeatedly by the educators I interviewed in the last couple of weeks. ExtensiveRead More ...

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