The Mysteries of Bilingualism II on Psychology Today — Prof. François Grosjean delves into aspects of bilingualism that remain an enigma. In this case, he writes about language choice, code-switching and language interferences — topics that have been researched at the linguistic level, but not at the cognitive and neurolinguistic ones. ¡Aprender español está de moda! on El Sentinel — A look at how more and more people are realizing the importance of learning Spanish as a second language. New Fort Worth program will graduate bilingualRead More ...
Week in Links for #BilingualKids — Dec. 20
A Healthy Twist on Classroom Celebrations
Classroom celebrations are fun and children really love them (teachers…well they can be chaotic!). Often, whether birthdays or any other special occasion, these celebrations can be the ‘perfect’ excuse to bring not-so-healthy choices to students. Many school districts have strict guidelines as to what can be brought to classrooms (store-bought only, no nuts, etc.), other districts and/or schools can be more lenient as to what can be shared. However, one thing tends to remain constant: sugar. Fortunately, classroom celebrationsRead More ...
5 Great Bilingual and Spanish Holiday Books for the Entire Family
Every time I come across and/or find great bilingual or Spanish literature; I feel is my duty to share it with all of you. Some of the titles I am informing you on this post you may already be familiar with, but it is never a bad idea to refresh our memory and re-read them. Some are classics, while others are just too amazing to pass. What I love about many of the books I am sharing with you inRead More ...
4 Tips From La Maestra to Help Bilingual Children ‘Think More’ as They Read
In a dual-language program (whether 50/50 or 90/10), one of the goals is for children to learn to proficiently read and write in both languages. Coming from an English-only classroom, every year I had some students who had difficulty with fluency and speed (how many words per minute they could read). I knew that if they were spending too much time trying to decode words, there was going to be little or no comprehension. Why? Your brain cannot spend aRead More ...
Raising a Bilingual Kid: Useful Do’s and Don’ts
We all know that once we committed to raising bilingual kids, we embarked in a journey that is not always as black and white as it may seem. You may have chosen the best method of raising children in two or more languages that works for your family, or maybe you found an excellent dual immersion program that can provide much of the necessary input. In any case, there are a few things to keep in mind across the board thatRead More ...
The Importance of Reading Aloud to Children of Any Age and In Any Language
I hear it over and over again; “I just stopped reading to my child once he/she got older.” The truth is, as children grow and learn to become independent readers, parents often step aside. Do not get me wrong, independent reading is marvelous and many people (myself included) love getting lost in a book. However, I love to hear a great story; I actually enjoy when parents come to read to my class because I get to be a listenerRead More ...
Michelle Obama at Bell Multicultural High School
Despite living only five miles from 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue, I have never had the good fortune of seeing the President or First Lady in the flesh. However, yesterday I, along with the sophomore class of Bell Multicultural High School in Columbia Heights had the pleasure of not only seeing but hearing Mrs. Obama speak on the importance of committing to your education in order to create a better future for ourselves and our country. However, this school isn’t just anyRead More ...