We hope all of you are having a great Independence weekend and that you were lucky enough to see some amazing fireworks – as we were It was truly something else to see Vanessa’s amazement and to hear sus gritos de plena felicidad!
Today’s links to everything bilingual include a bit of everything, including a reminder to enter our last Bilingual Summer Fun giveaway and an exciting announcement about the week ahead.
1) Bilingual Readers: Freebies for Bilingual Families – “We were so excited to find two great websites full of free activities for helping parents develop children’s reading levels. Both sites are available in English and Spanish (one is available in French and German too!), and both are 100% free.” Gracias for these and more resources from our friends at Bilingual Readers! These are all definitely worth checking out!
2) Mashable, The Social Media Guide: How To Learn and Practice Languages Using Social Media – “Given the globalized online world we live in, learning a new language has never been easier — nor as interactive, interesting, and social! From Twitter to blogs to social networks, there are numerous ways you can start your social language learning and keep it up while making new friends. A roundup of ways that you can use social media to learn a language and connect with native speakers. This is just a taste of the many language learning sites available across the social web. Wow! I am impressed! I had no idea! Has anyone ever used any of these? I know I will soon and I’ll definitely let you know what I think…
3) RLPR: Peanut Butter and the Art of Cultural Adaptation – “We speak español at RLPR, though we sometimes misinterpret each other. Tal vez es porque hablamos argentino, peruano, panameño, mexicano, salvadoreño, puertorriqueño and more – so we have to do some work to decipher each other’s dialects. While this is unquestionably conducive to our ability to do good work, it comes with its challenges. On more than one occasion we’ve been distracted by the impromptu Independence Day celebration in the kitchen with pisco sours – not to mention the dispute that arises when the drink’s origin gets called into question (Peru vs. Chile, anyone?).” This was hilarious and so true! We’ve talked about this topic before here and I know we will continue to do so. BTW, not only are Pisco Sours Peruvian, so is Pisco…I should know, right?
4) Bilingual Summer Fun Week of Giveaways – Our whole week of giveaways ends tonight at midnight EST. You can still enter to win two fabulous premios: one for the pequeños and one for YOU!! I promise you’ll love both of them. So, what are you waiting for? What to do: go here and here for more details!
Finally, I just wanted to let you all know that we’ve prepared a whole week dedicated exclusively to the most popular method used out there by those of you raising bilingual children. We’re talking the One Parent/One Language (OPOL) method. We have all kinds of posts prepared for you regarding this topic, as well as more giveaways! So we hope to see you around here next week. Promete ser una semana interesante…
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Regarding the list published in Mashable I knew some of them!
I’ve used them to improve my English and to be honest many of them are simply great. They might not be ideal for someone with and advance command of the language but for beginners and intermediates are ideal.
Give me a shout if you’re looking for something special as I might be able to help you.
Thanks for offering your help. We just might have to take you up on it since we need all the help we can get!
I agree … very nice .. thanks for your thought