sign language

Sign Language: Useful Links

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Today’s the last day of our special series dedicated to sign language and how it can be used as a bridge between languages for all those of us raising our children bilingual. As promised, we wanted to put together a list of useful links and resources related to baby sign language. We hope you take the time to explore all these for they all offer different kinds of information, including visual dictionaries (so you can learn any and all theRead More ...

Your Story: How One OPOL Family Uses Sign Language

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The following is a guest post by fellow mamá bloguera, Silvia M, who is raising two bilingual children using the OPOL method in California. If you’d like to know more about Silvia, you can find her blogging here: Mama Latina Tips. When my firstborn was a few months old, I joined a mom’s group looking for some adult conversation and support. In one of our meetings, we watched the video “Sign with your baby” by Joseph Garcia and I fellRead More ...

Sign Language: A Bridge Between Two Languages

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I guess I never really made the correlation, but as I meet more people raising their children bilingual and I read more about the whole concept, it truly makes a lot of sense that those who use the OPOL (one parent-one language) method, have found it incredibly beneficial to also teach their children sign language. Recently, we dedicated a whole week to the topic of the OPOL method since we realized this is the one the majority of you areRead More ...

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