Just a super quick note to let all of you know that Amazon has launched it’s Tienda Kindle with 30,000 eBook titles in Spanish! For those of you who’ve been following us for a while, you know this is pretty huge since reading is one of the best ways of ensuring that are our children are not only bilingual but also biliterate. I definitely still need to do a lot more navigating in the eBooks Kindle en Español site, butRead More ...
Tienda Kindle: 30,000 eBooks in Spanish!
Video of the Week::Caillou
My daughter’s current obsession is Caillou, a Canadian children’s television show based on the books by Christine L’Heureux and illustrator Hélène Desputeaux. Caillou is a bald-headed, four-year old who loves exploring his world. Caillou is originally broadcast in French, but the Spanish versions can easily be found on YouTube. PBS airs the English versions in the US. This is one of my girl’s favorite episodes: Caillou y el Gran Tobogán httpvh://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S6p-fWsFFso&feature=PlayList&p=7648EDE2A7F93BB2&playnext=1&playnext_from=PL&index=11 Remember to head over to our new sister site-SpanglishBabyFinds-forRead More ...
Yo Quiero Links!
We hope all of you are having a great Independence weekend and that you were lucky enough to see some amazing fireworks – as we were It was truly something else to see Vanessa’s amazement and to hear sus gritos de plena felicidad! Today’s links to everything bilingual include a bit of everything, including a reminder to enter our last Bilingual Summer Fun giveaway and an exciting announcement about the week ahead. 1) Bilingual Readers: Freebies for Bilingual Families –Read More ...
Yo Quiero Links: Bilingual Education
Today we decided to steer away from what we usually do on Sundays-give you a round up of this week’s links to articles and news regarding bilingual matters. Instead, and as a way to close this five-day series on dual immersion programs and bilingual education, we’ve compiled a concise list of websites that provide useful resources about this heated topic. The sites below are a great starting point for parents researching this path. ...
Spanish not your native language? You can still raise bilingual kids!
First in an occasional series… Since we all have different stories to tell and our own ways of raising our kids bilingual, from time to time, we will invite a guest to contribute to SpanglishBaby. Today, we introduce you to the first one. We hope you enjoy it! The following is a guest post written by Karen: Spanish learner, mother of two boys and blogger at Teaching and Learning Spanish. I have to admit that it is difficult to teachRead More ...