!Feliz Día del Padre! I hope all of you have plans to celebrate your fathers and grandfathers! We’re not doing much, just hanging out in the backyard, bbqing, taking advantage of the fact that Summer has finally arrived to Colorado! Well in case you missed it, NBC’s Today Show dedicated a whole week to a series of issues facing the Hispanic community. Check out some highligths in the links below… ...
Yo Quiero Links!
Use Bilingual and Bicultural Literature to Enhance Language Learning
Week of Mamás Blogueras has turned out to be much more enriching and inspiring than we ever imagined. We count ourselves lucky to have grouped such an amazing and talented group of blogueras. Today’s post by Mónica is no exception. She´s done a great job introducing herself, so I’ll let you read it from her own words. I do want to add that the Latin Baby Book Club was one of the first blogs we found while doing our researchRead More ...
Yo Quiero Links: Bilingual Education
Today we decided to steer away from what we usually do on Sundays-give you a round up of this week’s links to articles and news regarding bilingual matters. Instead, and as a way to close this five-day series on dual immersion programs and bilingual education, we’ve compiled a concise list of websites that provide useful resources about this heated topic. The sites below are a great starting point for parents researching this path. ...
What if There are No Dual Immersion Programs in Your City?
We’ve spent the last few days exploring the realm of bilingual instruction and I have to admit I’m truly fascinated with the subject and its possibilities as it relates to my daughter’s future education. However, all the research has lead me to the realization that, unfortunately, we don’t have a lot of options where we currently live. I used to think I still had plenty of time to figure out what will happen when she enters kindergarten — about 2Read More ...
Foreign Language Academies of Glendale: A Dual Immersion Case Study
We’re on our third day of our series on bilingual education, but before we get into today’s case study, I’d like to remind you the topics we have explored so far. On Monday, we started the series with a post about the difference between bilingual education and dual immersion programs. On Tuesday, we gave you a more detailed description of dual immersion models. Today, we present you with an example of how one school district in Glendale, California has beenRead More ...