
Oral Tradition: Why All Bilingual Kids Need Cuentos, Leyendas and Refranes

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On any given night, you will find my husband, Toño, narrating leyendas and mitos to our four children before putting them to bed: the history of the escudo on the Mexican flag, the story of the hare outsmarting the coyote, stories from the Bible, or even Aesop’s fables. La llorona, David and Goliath, and Juan Diego and la Vírgen de Guadalupe trump Goldilocks and Little Red Riding Hood when Papi tells — and acts out — these traditional stories. InsteadRead More ...

Your Favorite Dichos

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Last week we had lots of fun asking the SpanglishBaby Familia on Facebook to share with us their favorite dichos. You know, those proverbial and poetic phrases full of wisdom you heard again and again from your abuela, tías, mamá y papá and now you find yourself repeating (and preaching!) to your kids at any given moment. You suddenly realize you inherited more from your mami than only her good skin and laugh. The other beauty about dichos is thatRead More ...

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