
5 Years of Bilingual Parenting

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My son, Isaías, enjoying a Florida winter. Tomorrow, my son turns 5. It seems like a new milestone, like he’s moving into the big kid phase. He’s tying his shoes and learning to ride a bike without training wheels. Kindergarten is right around the corner, and I’m sure time will continue to whizz by as he discovers elementary school life. Isaiah’s 5th birthday isn’t just a turning point for him, though. It’s a day for me to pause and reflectRead More ...

So Many Ways to Say: Happy Birthday!

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  In honor of my daughter, Vanessa, who turns 4 years today, I’m re-posting this article from July 16, 2009, so I can spend the day having fun with my bilingual child. ¡Feliz Cumpleaños, hija linda! I absolutely love summer…for a lot of reasons, but mainly because my daughter is a summer baby which means we get to celebrate her cumpleaños outdoors in the melting heat (as opposed to indoors hiding from the snow.) In fact, both Vanessa and CamilaRead More ...

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