As a multicultural and biracial familia, I was pretty clear about wanting to raise a bilingual child. Ah yes! It would be simple! I would speak to our child in Spanish and my husband would speak to him in English. Sound familiar? Yes, we were going to use the OPOL (One Parent One Language) method. However, things are not always as easy as they seem, right? You see, I had the desire but not a plan. I fell into the comfortRead More ...
Here’s Proof That It’s Never Too Late to Raise Bilingual Children
Deciding What Type of School is Best for a Bilingual Child
When should academic centered schooling begin? This has been the question I have been grappling with for weeks. My daughter is not quite 3 and was accepted to a private dual language school for this coming fall where academics and inquiry-based learning is at the heart of what they do. This past January is also when we switched her to an “English school” where a play curriculum is at the heart of how children’s curiosity is nurtured. She is emotionallyRead More ...
Are Two Languages Better Than One? {Infographic}
It’s always fun to see the benefits of bilingualism laid out in a colorful infographic like the one below I found on Monolingual VS Bilingual infographic ...
5 Ways To Motivate Your Child to Speak Spanish When He Refuses To
One of the main concerns parents raising bilingual children –or considering it– have is what to do when they refuse to speak Spanish (or whichever minority language). We know the bilingual rebellion is pretty much a fact and we’ll all have to face it eventually. For some it starts as early as 3 years of age and for others when the child enters kindergarten, especially if they don’t have the option of a bilingual program like dual or full immersion.Read More ...