
Who Raises Latino Kids: ¿los padres o los abuelos?

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I’m tired…culturally exhausted. I could speak Spanish all day, no problema. But lately, it seems like that’s not enough for me to be accepted by Spanish speakers. I can’t change my deep-seated values or my general way of being, but I am feeling pressured to do so in order to just be part of my extended family. I’ve had some minor clashes with my mother-in-law and stepdaughters recently that are making me reevaluate how I’m really seen by the LatinoRead More ...

The Gift of Language from the Abuelos

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Today is the first day of our Week of Mamás Blogueras. We’ve invited five incredible women/moms/blogueras to share with SpanglishBaby friends their tips and stories of success, defeat, love and passion as they raise bilingual and bicultural kids. The first guest post is by the mother of three children under four, Tati, who was raised as a bilingual (English/Spanish) “gringa” thanks to the love, determination and home-schooling of her mother, Ginny.  They both blog at Wanna Jugar With Migo, whereRead More ...

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