In the upcoming animated film Wreck-It Ralph we follow Ralph on an arcade-hopping adventure. For 30 years he has been stuck playing the bad guy and being overshawdowed by the good guy “Fix it Felix” in an 8-bit game. One day he decides enough is enough and takes matters into his huge hands and sets out to become the hero. This film of self exploration in quest to be a better person is something everyone will be able to relateRead More ...
Wreck-It Ralph Preview and a Sugar Rush Inspired Cake {Recipe}
AppleCake Sandwiches {Recipe}
Mott’s used to have this funny commercial on T.V. in the 80′s where a group of children were dressed as secret agents and spoke in hushed tones to one another via walkie talkies saying “I got the Motts?” It made the viewer feel like those kids had their hands around the best kept secret in town. That’s exactly how I felt when I imagined up AppleCake Sandwiches as an afternoon snack for my little one. The truth of the matterRead More ...
Avocado, Arugula and Cheese Naan {Recipe}
If there’s one staple food in my house it would have to be avocados from Mexico. Seriously, I kid you not that we eat at least one or two avocados every single day. In fact, it was one of my girl’s first foods and still one she will hardly ever refuse. Of course, it warms my heart because avocados are so rich in nutrients and at age 5 she’s such a picky eater that anything healthy and nutritious she’ll takeRead More ...
Strawberry Shortcake on a Stick {Recipe}
How is this for the perfect summer party dessert? Take advantage of the peak of strawberry season and serve this classic at your next birthday party, baby shower or family barbecue. The preparation is so simple — it can be turned into a cooking activity among your guests and have them assemble their own. “Breakfast party,” you say? Replace the angel food cake loaf with homemade mini-pancakes and serve with maple syrup! These charming shortcake sticks are popular with theRead More ...
Mediterranean Veggie Sandwich
Sandwiches are one of my favorite inventions in the world. You can pretty much carry around any food you like (except soup and ice cream!) inside two loaves of bread, and enjoy it wherever you happen to be, and whenever you feel like it. Gotta love it! One of the things I like the most about sandwiches, is that they allow you to conceal, in a way, and enjoy without judgement, things that you wouldn’t usually eat on their own,Read More ...
4 Easy and Natural Raspados With Honey {Recipe}
La miel or honey is one of my favorite ingredients from La Madre Tierra. Hardly a day goes by when I don’t pour honey over something like a smoothie, a slice of toast or suck it straight from a stick. These recipes for natural raspados (also known as minutas, piraguas, snow cones or shaved ice) from the National Honey Board along with Sno-Con Amor founder and raspado expert Lauda Flores, are made with honey and had me drooling so much I just had toRead More ...
Frozen Berry Paletas {Recipe}
Are you melting in the summer heat? Stay cool with these fruity frozen treats that are a whole lot cheaper then store bought ones and healthy too! I have visited countries in Central America and South America and one thing that stands out to me the most is all of the yummy tropical fruta that you can find at the market or on the streets. Fruit vendors selling large cups of sliced juicy mango, fresa, guayaba, sandia, mora…. with limeRead More ...
Quick and Yummy Snack To Love: Dipped Strawberries
Parents can all relate to the picky-eaters stages we confront with our kids. One day they love this, the next day they can´t stand the sight of it. You stock up on a particular snack just to see it come back untouched in the lunchbox. You keep trying and getting creative but nothing seems to stick. At least that´s how it rolls in my house with my girl. However, there´s a few fruits we can pretty much always count onRead More ...