
Got Milk? Part of who we are

Posted by:  | Category: Central America, El Salvador


Got Milk booth at BlogHer 10

You’ve already been reading on our Facebook page, Twitter stream and on Tuesday’s post that last week Roxana and I spent four days together in NYC during the BlogHer annual convention.  To be able to continue to grow SpanglishBaby into an organic community with real and loud voices, we need to branch out where people are paying attention. Let me tell you, SpanglishBaby was getting lots of attention at BlogHer and it’s all yours!

Part of that attention was a call from the Got Milk? people asking us to support their infamous Milk Mustache campaign.  My first thought was, “What does this have to do with raising bilingual and bicultural children?”  Then I started thinking about milk in general and how it’s always been part of my bicultural life.  I started getting images in my head and savoring the taste of memories of the glass of leche con guineo (banana) I was served practically every morning in El Salvador as an essential part of my breakfast.

I realized that milk is an integral part of our cultura as Hispanics.  How many of you grew up on Chocomilk, or avena con leche, or all sorts of licuados made with milk and exotic fruits like mamey and papaya?  It’s as if our mamás and abuelitas knew that skipping breakfast can put kids at a disadvantage at school. Studies now suggest that breakfast skippers have a harder time concentrating in the classroom, which could interfere with learning and school performance.  Really, who can concentrate on an empty and growling stomach?

Plus, there has to be truth to the remedio casero of drinking a warm glass of milk to soothe you before bed.  I can see it in my 3YO daughter how she demands her lechita right after dinner every night as a way to calm herself down.  It’s almost addictive, she needs it. Like her mamá needs a café con leche before starting the day!

So, I decided I would be happy to  join three amazing bloggers–Audrey McClellan, Lori and the beautifully pregnant Christine Young–in sporting a Milk Mustache and be the bilingual/bicultural Latina representing our community.  Tell me, how did I do?  And I’ll tell you how they get the Milk Mustache to stay!

By the way, was checking out the Elige Leche website and found some great milk-based recipes in español that have a taste of home;  like a tres leches cake and natilla de maracuyá.  Sabroso and good for you.

What are some of your favorite traditional and nutritional ways to drink milk or use it in a recipe?

Disclosure:  I was compensated to be part of the Got Milk? campaign during BlogHer ’10. All statements are my own and my family’s obsession for milk is real.

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