
Little Pim Spanish iPad App

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 Little Pim, the cute panda who teaches foreign languages, is one of our favorite characters for Spanish-language education. We have reviewed several Little Pim resources in the past, including the Word Bag app.

This PBS Kids iPad app, Little Pim Spanish, follows with the award-winning quality of other PBS Kids products. It is a simple, effective way for preschoolers to learn new vocabulary – 60 words and phrases, in fact. Aimed at English-dominant children who are learning Spanish, Little Pim Spanish is narrated by the title character in English, with just the new vocab words being presented in Spanish. In this way, it also supports code-switching skills for those who may already be comfortable in Spanish.


Rather than just being a touch-responsive app with pages and pages of icons, this is an interactive game that is easy for kids to follow on their own. There are three categories of words with three levels each, progressing from nouns to verbs, then short phrases. Little Pim asks you to repeat the new word aloud, then reinforces it by having you find the item on the table and in a bubble.

If you love other Little Pim products or just want a fresh, engaging game for your 3-5 year old, this app is a great choice!

Find Little Pim Spanish in iTunes

Available for iPad

Recommended for preschoolers

Price: $2.99

Check out Little Pim’s other products and additional apps from PBS Kids as well as our list of favorite Spanish-language resources and online games from PBS Kids.

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