instruments coloring pages wajrapuco

Hispanic Heritage month is here! There are many ways for us to celebrate with our niños and take this chance to teach them something new about our culture everyday. In honor of that we want to introduce to you MamaYala.

MamaYala™ World Cultures represents the Latin American and Spanish Cultures. Their beautiful and colorful educational card sets include illustrations of artifacts, foods, flora, fauna, and musical instruments. This card series also includes an information guide for parents. It is their goal to develop high quality educational materials that children will enjoy playing with, and therefore learn about their heritage or get to know, admire and respect other cultures. Please join MamaYala by pre-ordering your cards today and be part of MamaYala World Cultures. You may order the cards by going to their Kickstarter campaign at

MamYala has provided us with an awesome set of coloring pages featuring instruments from Latin America and Spain. Each day we will be posting a new coloring page with a new instrument and its name in Spanish for you to enjoy with your niños. This is a great way to spark a conversation about Latin American music and it’s roots. Who knows, maybe you’ll even be inspired to do a little research with your kids and find music that highlights these instruments!

Click here for a printable version of todays instrument : the wajrapuco

We invite you to come back tomorrow and check the new instrument coloring page of the day.

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