Kimberly Stevens Lane was born to a Costa Rican mother and an American father and was raised in both countries. She is the mother of four-year-old twin boys, both of whom have special needs and are in full-time special education programs. She has a Master of Arts degree in Conference Interpretation and is a freelance translator and interpreter in the Washington, D.C. area.
Mary Poppins 50th Anniversary Edition DVD {Giveaway}
I’ve been watching some of my favorite childhood movies lately–with and without my children–and have come to the sad realization that some of them have not withstood the test of time. Mary Poppins, happily, is not one of them. I popped it in the DVD player and felt some surprise that I had not already introduced my children to the movie. I’d never watched the movie in Spanish before, though I remember my friends and I trying to say “supercalifragilísticoespialidoso”Read More ...
I Am The Mom Who Speaks Spanish
I volunteer in my boys’ classrooms when I can, and we make a point of going to school events. One of my favorite things to do when it comes to school, though, is just hang out. They’re still young enough to get excited when I have a day off and can come have lunch with them in the cafeteria, and when I pick them up at aftercare on the early side, I like sitting with them and the other kids at the table whileRead More ...
When They Start Complaining About Spanish
A few weeks into their third year of Spanish school, the day I knew would be coming sooner or later finally arrives. My son has figured out that going to school on Saturday is for the birds. Several Saturdays in a row, I listen to his litany of complaints. It’s like having six weekdays! I’m cutting into his weekend! The complaints wear me down — or rather, countering them wears me down. I trot out some of my usual sellingRead More ...
The Sacrifices We Make to Raise Bilingual Children
Overall, I am generally quite pleased with everything my husband and I do to further our sons’ bilingual education. But I am the product of my parents’ efforts to raise my brother and me bilingual, and occasionally I can’t help but compare my efforts to theirs. When I think of everything they did for us, I am keenly aware of two things. One, with all of our modern conveniences, we have it much easier. And two, they made way moreRead More ...
Reflections On Citizenship
My brother lords it over me when we are growing up: I was born in Costa Rica and therefore can never become President of the United States, but he can. He was born in California, and in our minds, when we are 8 or 9, being President is a realistic goal. And it is an enviable one at that. The U.S. holds a mystique for us — we love the music, the surfer slang, the brand-name clothing, the fun treatsRead More ...
31 Days of Reading in Spanish: Donde Viven los Monstruos
Editor’s note: We continue with our 31 Days of Reading in Spanish. Check out the book review below and don’t forget to enter our weekly GIVEAWAY of $100 worth of books in Spanish! This is the last week, so you have until July 31 to enter. BOOK DESCRIPTION/REVIEW We all know and love Maurice Sendak’s Where the Wild Things Are, right? So I don’t have anything to say about the story itself, but I asked my sons to pick a couple ofRead More ...