About: Elizabeth

Elizabeth Masturzo-Baldeón is a language education specialist who lives with her familia in the suburbs of Washington D.C. She left her teaching job in an elementary school to work at home raising her daughter Sofía- and she couldn’t be happier! You can read about how her familia makes a conscious effort in their daily lives to bring baby up bilingual at her blog, La Mother Tongue.


Celebrating Baby Showers and Traditions

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Is it just me or does it seem that there are more baby showers in the spring than in the other seasons of the year? Recently, some friends and I hosted a baby shower for another amiga.  When I commented to my mother-in-law that I would need her help taking care of Sofía for the day because the shower would be at my casa, her eyes lit up! And then the stories started pouring out about how much she and herRead More ...

Special and Thrifty Gifts for Teacher Appreciation Day

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No matter how much I think I’m culturally adept in my bicultural world-tuned in to both Hispanic and US culture, inevitably I make some blunders!  In our house, Sofía and I have been working on making gifts for her teachers or profesoras, as we call them.  I was proud of myself because I had not waited till the last minute.  But alas, it seems like I have!  For me, Teacher Appreciation Day has always been May 15, but evidently theRead More ...

Botero Inspired Escultura De La Primavera {Activity}

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On el 19 de abril, Colombian artist, Fernando Botero cumple 80 años. I thought that this would be the perfect opportunity to incorporate a little bit of cultura into one of our almost daily activities–playing with plastilina.   Inspired by Botero’s esculturas, we set out to make our own escultura from plastilina and spring chécheres. First we talked briefly about Botero.  If Sofía were growing up in Colombia, by now she would know who Botero was because she would be surrounded by his works of art and hear his name everywhere.  So we lookedRead More ...

Slimy and Sensacional Espaguetis Sensory Tub {Activity}

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We are big fans of sensory tub experiences at our casa.  I like the combination of science, sensory, discovery, and play they provide.  We usually do a rice or fríjol tub and often a water bin.  But Saturday morning after breakfast, I decided that I needed to spice things up a bit.  Lately mi hija, Sofía, has been particularly fond of observing and discovering las lombrices, so I went with that thought in mind and created an Espaguetis Sensory Tub.  The results were fantástico!  Sofía thoroughly enjoyedRead More ...

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