
Expo Mexico Emprende

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expo mexico emprende

Last January we gave you four reasons why every child in the United States should speak Spanish. One of them being:

U.S.–Latin American relations are increasingly more closely knit. Barriers have blurred and, no matter how high the walls we try to build, we live a co-dependent existence with our neighbors across the border.  The NYT columnist points out that the economies in the Latin American region were some of the few which nicely survived the economic crisis.  We are more and more doing business together, as well as traveling back and forth as Latin America becomes highly attractive in every sense.  Our children will most likely encounter many career, business and lifestyle opportunities south of the border, and speaking Spanish will be essential.

Today, I have for you an example of just the type of cross-cultural financial opportunities that are already being created between the U.S. and our neighbors that our children will be well-prepared for when their time comes. Expo Mexico Emprende is the first exposition for Mexicans living abroad wanting to do business in Mexico with their own small or medium-sized enterprise.

The basic idea behind the creation of this expo, which will take place in the Los Angeles Convention Center from August 19-21, is to give Mexicans in the U.S. an incentive to invest and grow the remittances they send to their families south of the border by creating businesses that can become self-sustainable, and, thus, their families don’t need to depend solely on the remittances, known as remesas.  Since 97% of the remesas entering Mexico are being spent on purchases and not invested by the receivers, the Mexico State and Federal Governments have joined with financial institutions that support business development to hold this one-of-a kind expo to showcase the offers, teach and connect those interested with the wealth of entrepreneurial possibilities.

From August 19-21st those who attend the first and free Expo Mexico Emprende will get the chance to attend sessions and workshops with prominent business leaders in Mexico, as well as receive counseling and training in financing, technological innovation and marketing.

If you live in the Los Angeles area, or have friends or family in the area, and are interested in finding out more about the business opportunities Mexico has to offer for those of us living in the US, I invite you to attend Expo Mexico Emprende.  Even if you’re not considering a business, you’re welcome to go snoop around and satisfy your curiosity. That’s what I’ll be doing! You never know what could ignite a spark.

Disclosure: I am being compensated for my work in creating and managing content as a Community Manager for the México Today Program.  All stories, opinions and passion for all things México shared here  and everywhere are completely my own.

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