Discovery Familia Blog de Bebés

When Discovery Familia asked Roxana and I to work with them on a new project called ‘Blog de Bebés’ for their client, Dreft, I hesitated a little because I thought I wouldn’t be able to remember what it was to have a newborn baby in the house.

I was wrong. As much as you forget the little details, you never really do forget the smell of a new baby, or the anticipation and joy with which you wait, plan and arrange for the arrival of your little one. It’s been five years for me and three for Roxana since we last had our own babies in our arms. Writing these articles in Spanish for Discovery Familia, helped us relive those moments again to be able to share them with their readers.

We hope you join us over at Discovery Familia’s ‘Blog de bebés’ to talk about:

Preparando la ropita del bebé

5 regalos esenciales para un “baby shower”

Preparar la casa para la llegada del bebé

Esperando la llegada del bebé

Tips para lavar la ropita de tu bebé


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