Photo by: Simon Blackley
Lately, my perspective on the Spanish language has been enlarged by my evolving use of it. I’ve been feeling a bit nostalgic about how being bilingual has allowed me to grow. Despite the occasional frustrations and cultural misunderstandings, Spanish has given me:
- An ear for the rhythm of the spoken word
- A new medium to enjoy jokes and share funny moments with my family
- A Spanish language mode on every technological device I own
- An appreciation for the difficulty of pronouncing “th” in English
- The fresh joy on some people’s faces when they find out I can speak their language
- More than one tongue-tied moment
- The frustration of smart phone auto-correct in more than one language
- A constant reminder of why it’s important to be humble
- A more complex understanding of racial and cultural relations
- Fluid concepts of the most basic things and ideas
- An inner dialogue of idiomatic phrases that I will probably never understand completely
- A love for how silence can be used in a loud language
- A LARGE food vocabulary
- Something to talk about with other moms I meet
- Sheer amazement at so many children’s comfort level with two languages
- Double the music collection
- Less of a desire to eavesdrop, but more of an ability to do so
- Fearlessness
- An acumen for typing Spanish accent commands
- A window into the world of immigrants in America
- A renewed desire to refresh my Italian skills and learn a 4th and 5th language down the road
- An interest in the need for quality bilingual children’s literature
- The ability to laugh at myself over and over again
- A great virtual community, namely SpanglishBaby!
Whether you are a native speaker or learned Spanish later in life, take a moment to share what Spanish has given you.
Speaking Spanish with mi novio means I get to be creative with describing things I don’t have the words for. My favourite so far is “Me haces sentir como la mantequilla en el sol.” Spanish has also given me more patience, tolerance and a greater understanding of English.
That is so sweet, Camille! I love that description: “describing things I don’t have the words for.” So true. Sometimes it’s good to reflect upon what we do know and already appreciate, instead of constantly worrying about gaining more ground in a second language.
Para mi el mayor desafío es recordar que significan las siglas en inglés y en español y no mezclarlas unas con otras, ufff.
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