Vanessa blowing out her 5 candles
My firstborn is turning 5 tomorrow. I can’t even begin to tell you how difficult this is for me to believe. It feels like it was just yesterday that I was trying to figure out if it was time to go to the hospital to give birth to her. A week from today she starts Kindergarten and they tell me that once they start school, time flies even faster. Is that even possible?
Anyhow, we celebrated her birthday yesterday with a beautiful party in our backyard. It was hot, but luckily it didn’t rain, even though that’s what the weather forecast called for. We had a clown who painted the kids faces. My baby girl looked like a princess, just like she wished for.
I have a lot to tell you about it, but you’ll have to wait til next week when we’re bringing you a whole week of birthday celebrations Latino-style. We’ll be showcasing how all types of Latinos celebrate cumpleaños and I’ll be leading the way with a post about Vanessa’s birthday party and some of our traditions.
Hope you come back for that!
Feliz cumpleaños! Happy birthday! Looking forward to the cumpleaños posts
Feliz cumpleaños, Vanessa.
Feliz Cumpleanos a Vanessa. No puedo creer que clases empiezan en una semana!
I’m really looking forward to this series of posts. My husband’s family and indeed his friends also are from a background where they got a “happy birthday” if their mom remembered and maybe sometimes a favorite food for dinner if the budget permitted, that was it. I’m from a background where parents drop kids off at birthday parties that seem to be mainly all about the presents. We’d both like to create a better tradition for our son.