Call me crazy but I decided to complicate my attempt to expose my baby to multiple languages by adding another element: baby sign. Maybe it’s not too surprising given my level of interest in teaching Sabrina three languages.
I wanted to keep teaching her sign language as simple as possible because it seems that our lives are already a bit chaotic. I contemplated between using American Sign Language (ASL) versus Baby Sign because ASL is actually recognized as a language whereas baby sign is a modified version of ASL. My sister mentioned she had the book, Baby Sign Language: A Practical Guide to Signing with your Baby by Alison Mackonocie. Practical was exactly what I was looking for and that is how I reached a decision about my contemplation about which sign methodology to use with my bebita.
Here is how I complement the use of baby sign in our home. After photocopying the “beginning signs” pages and posting them where we would be using them around our house I also scratched the English labels and replaced it with the Spanish translation (e.g.mas/more, comer/eat, cama/bed, dormir/sleep etc etc). According to the book, the key behind baby sign language is its use in context and constant repetition (sound familiar?). We have been modeling it for our baby for about six weeks and though she has not made a clear response I have caught her glancing at the photocopies around the house whenever I use a sign.
One of the reasons I decided to share baby sign with my now 10-month-old is because I started thinking how awesome it will be when she utters words in Spanish, English, or French, but recognized that speaking in complete sentences may actually not occur for a couple of years, at least. I also observed her, at times, struggle with communicating with me. Her only major way of speaking is by crying or screaming. Essentially, I want Sabrina to be able to express to my husband and I (and others) some of her basic needs.
By taking the time and energy to show Sabrina baby sign, we are also showing her another way to express her thoughts and feelings, hence, baby love.
I always wished I would have taught my girl baby sign language. She did learn some of the basic signs at daycare and used them a lot. I do believe that it lessens their frustration when they are trying to communicate with you. Keep it up because you will love it when you start seeing the results!
Thanks, Ana. Yea I’m not sure itf I started it too early or what because the progress is slow. I think she is starting to sign but its not entirely obvious yet. For instance if I say, “Quieres beber agua” and move my hand to motion “beber” she will do the sign but not near her mouth AND her sign also looks like a the “Pimpon es un muneco” song….so we’ll see what happens
Thanks for the encouragement!
Great idea. We are raising our son to speak English and Spanish. I was also interested in teaching some signs – although I don’t imagine I could teach him ASL without a lot of reinforcement. I have taken a few ASL classes in the past and one of my best friends is an interpreter – so I have some background…but I am not able to communicate with a deaf person without assistance. Anyway – we used Signing Time videos as a base (just two of them) and from there my son started picking up signs right away. He had more signs than spoken words at one point. He learned (mas, leche, pelota, gato, perro, pajaro, ya termine, avion, tren, carro, bebe, agua…y muchos mas). He seems to really enjoy it. It’s so physical and I think it helps him to tie the concepts together. If we see a plane in the sky, I will day, “Puedes ver el avion?” and do the sign at the same time. The videos are really good and they also have a setting for Spanish voiceover and subtitles!
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