
Bilingualism Blogging Carnival

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Photo credit: melanieburger

Just a quick note to let you all know about this month’s installment of the Blogging Carnival on Bilingualism which this time around is being hosted by Sarah, over at Bringing Up Baby Bilingual.

If you’re not familiar with the carnival, I suggest you go visit Sarah’s site so you can see what it’s all about, but basically it’s a recompilation of all sorts of posts dedicated to this awesome task of raising multilingual children. The thing I love the most about this carnival is that it really proves that we are not alone and that even if we’re using different sets of languages to raise our kids, we share a lot of the ups and downs. The other thing I love is discovering completely new – at least to me – blogs related to bilingualism.

A few months back, we hosted the carnival ourselves and it was a great opportunity to get to meet a lot of new friends in the same journey. If you’re interested in hosting a carnival in the future, go here for more information. In the meantime, hop over to this month’s carnival and start reading! I know I am!

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