Photo by woodleywonderworks

Photo by woodleywonderworks

Have you ever heard of a blogging carnival? I hadn’t until we were recently invited to participate in one.

A carnival is basically a blog event dedicated to a specific subject and including several links to other blog posts dealing with said subject. This carnival’s topic? You guessed it: raising bilingual children.

So, how does it work? In this particular case, Eve, over at Blogging on Bilingualism, is the host of October’s carnival. So, last week she wrote this post explaining how this bilingualism carnival got started and introduced her readers to several bloggers who write about bilingualism, including SpanglishBaby.

The awesome thing about carnivals is that you get to discover other blogs which otherwise maybe you wouldn’t have. As we’ve said many times in the past, even though the languages both Ana Lilian and I use to raise our kids bilingual are English and Spanish, the stuff we write about in this blog really do apply to any language combination. The contributors of the second carnival on raising bilingual children are using a variety of languages: French, German, Spanish, Arabic and Italian.

If you know anything about SpanglishBaby, you know we’re all for creating a community where we can all share our experiences about raising bilingual children and hopefully learn something useful and inspiring in the process. So we totally support this bilingualism carnival and urge you to check this edition and all the future ones to come every month.

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