
How Technology Can Make Spanish Fun & Meaningful

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httpv:// Children love computers and the Internet, and as our world becomes ever more technologically advanced, it is imperative that we give them the tools to explore and learn using technology.  Fortunately, technology can also be a valuable tool in our efforts to raise bilingual children.  There are numerous on-line stories in Spanish, videogames and websites.  The Internet also gives our children the chance to explore other countries and cultures preparing them for our ever-increasing global society. I absolutely loveRead More ...

4 Reasons Why Travel is a Must for Bilingual + Bicultural Children

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It’s been almost a week since we got back home from our viaje relámpago to Perú, my home country. Saying good-bye to my family is always extremely difficult for me because I never know how long it’ll be before we see each other again. Coming back to the States is also difficult because life here is so different at so many levels. From the taste of the food to the meaning of time… Our trip back was hellish, to sayRead More ...

Traveling to Perú to Embrace Our Heritage

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I’m going home. Finally. It’s been three years since I was there last. It feels like a lot longer. The trip takes pretty much the whole day since there are no non-stops flights from Denver to Lima. Still, I can’t wait for the smell of my beloved Pacific Ocean to hit me as soon as we clear customs and the airport’s doors open to the outside world. I can’t wait to be embraced by my loving family who will undoubtedlyRead More ...

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