Last week a Colombian friend of ours decided that it would be a great idea to have a pre-Halloween party for the kids. She’s always coming up with the best ideas to keep the kids entertained and en español. This time, she came up with the idea of having a comparsa-style party, meaning that the whole family would have to come dressed up under one theme and put together a show to perform in front of everyone. Yikes! As funRead More ...
Watch: Day of the Dead Calaca Face Painting {Video}
Want to Meet Up With Us For Some Music With Sara?
Sara, from Music With Sara CDs and classes, was my girl´s first maestra de música and she´s left an imprint on her. Before she released her first CD, Sara used to go every other week to the family daycare my girl used to attend to sing canciones en español with them. Needless to say, it was my girl´s favorite thing to do! It´s been over a year and a half since my girl has sung with Sara live, but weRead More ...