One of the most difficult tasks you need to accomplish when you find out you’re pregnant is to come up with a name for the baby. We really all have so many personal reasons in deciding which name our child is going to have to honor the rest of her life. I mean, it’s a daunting task to get it right and make one of the first of many huge decisions on behalf of this other person. The reason I’mRead More ...
The Story Behind My Daughter’s Name
For Moms And Babies All Over The World: The Million Moms Challenge
If you’re here reading this you’re most likely a mom or a dad and you know that the most important thing to you is the health and wellbeing of your children. As a parent, your empathy expands to a larger scale when you identify with the struggles other moms who are less fortunate than you face just to care for the basic health and needs of their babies, especially those living in developing countries. That is why we are soRead More ...