
A Mother’s Day Gift…for my Niños

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Queridos hijos, I’ve never been one to care too much about celebrations like Mother’s Day. I feel they are way too commercialized and too much effort is put into material gifts. Plus, my dad — your abuelito — used to say that Mother’s Day is everyday! But I guess you’re too young to understand any of that. You’re also still too young to understand the perilous state of our planet. But, I’m not. I’ve called earth home much longer thanRead More ...

Do You Really Know What Dirty Air Tastes Like? I Do

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Once upon my life I lived in South Beach only blocks away from the turquoise Caribbean Sea.  One day, I got tired of the calmness and beauty of it all and decided I was ready to embrace a bit of chaos in my life. You know, wanting to grow up and all that.  This was before I hit my Thirties. So, I sold everything I had, packed my bags and moved to Mexico City. Just like that. Against everyone´s advice thatRead More ...

Latinos and Asthma: A Bad Combo

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I recently found out that Latino children are 60 percent more at risk than white children to have asthma attacks. I also found out that Latinos are three times as likely as whites to die from asthma. (If you’d like to know why, please check out this article). And, I freaked out because my own daughter, Vanessa, was diagnosed with asthma almost two years ago! Were you aware of these numbers? I wasn’t and I felt guilty. But I’ve decided to turnRead More ...

Why We Joined the Moms Clean Air Force

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Living in Los Angeles is not for the faint of heart. We live with the constant threat of tsunamis, wild fires, earthquakes (too often referred to as “The Big One”), and contaminants in our air. You can say it’s the price we pay to live in average 72-degree climate and under the most gorgeous skies, not to mention our sunsets, mountain ranges, sushi and beaches (albeit freezing waters!). Last week was an intense one, to say the least, with theRead More ...

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