
Who Raises Latino Kids: ¿los padres o los abuelos?

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I’m tired…culturally exhausted. I could speak Spanish all day, no problema. But lately, it seems like that’s not enough for me to be accepted by Spanish speakers. I can’t change my deep-seated values or my general way of being, but I am feeling pressured to do so in order to just be part of my extended family. I’ve had some minor clashes with my mother-in-law and stepdaughters recently that are making me reevaluate how I’m really seen by the LatinoRead More ...

When They Answer in English

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It’s happening. My worst fears have been realized: my son is now answering me in English when I speak to him in Spanish. Maybe he just forgot a few words and it’s easier for him to explain this subject in English. Yes, he understands every word of Spanish. Yes, he can translate flawlessly upon request. Yes, he speaks Spanish with those who do not know English. But why does he answer ME in English, when I’ve used 90% Spanish withRead More ...

Full Language Immersion Abroad

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We got back from our trip to El Salvador just last week, and it already feels like it was so long ago.  Yet, the memories and benefits we gained from this trip are still well alive.  Some weeks ago I shared about Camila’s cultural immersion with her familia, and promised I’d be back to tell you more about her experience at a local, Spanish-language preschool. I made the decision to enroll her to a local preschool for two reasons: 1)Read More ...

Video of the Week: Tinker Bell and the Lost Treasure

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Funny coincidence happened last week. I was rummaging through a resale store with my girl and we found some fairy wings that were just her size. She’s at the stage where she’s discovering that dress up is fun. She really had no idea what they were, but she knew she wanted them on. We drove back home and to our surprise found a screener copy of Walt Disney Picture’s newest “Disney Fairies” movie Tinker Bell and the Lost Treasure forRead More ...

Blogging Carnival: Raising Multilingual Children

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Have you ever heard of a blogging carnival? I hadn’t until we were recently invited to participate in one. A carnival is basically a blog event dedicated to a specific subject and including several links to other blog posts dealing with said subject. This carnival’s topic? You guessed it: raising bilingual children. So, how does it work? In this particular case, Eve, over at Blogging on Bilingualism, is the host of October’s carnival. So, last week she wrote this postRead More ...

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