
Yo Quiero Links!

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!Feliz Día del Padre! I hope all of you have plans to celebrate your fathers and grandfathers! We’re not doing much, just hanging out in the backyard, bbqing, taking advantage of the fact that Summer has finally arrived to Colorado! Well in case you missed it, NBC’s Today Show dedicated a whole week to a series of issues facing the Hispanic community. Check out some highligths in the links below… ...

Are Things Really Different the Second Time Around?

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The research I've read - and there isn't a lot out there - talks mostly about families using the OPOL method and it suggests that parents tend to be less strict about using the method once a sibling is born. Since this is not our case, I don't really know what happens in families using the mL@H method. I mean, we pretend to continue doing the same thing we've been doing all along, mostly because as I've explained in the past, it's what comes naturally to us. In terms of what happened at this weekend's party, I had actually expected Vanessa to use mostly English. But I was happily surprised, again! She actually did her own share of code-switching between English and Spanish and for no apparent reason. I wonder i ...

Yo Quiero Links!

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Not lots to share with you this first Sunday of June… Although both Ana and I are very excited about a new website related to bilingualism and reading. It’s called Bilingual Readers and it’s actually a “publishing company which provides bilingual resources for families and communities.” Go over there whenever you get a chance and check it out! We can’t tell you how happy we are that more and more sites related to bilingualism are appearing all the time… ...

Winners of the 2009 Latino Book Awards

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Last week, the winners of the 11th Annual International Latino Book Awards were announced during BookExpo America in New York City. In case you missed it, we’d like to share the winners in the children´s books categories with you so you can expand your home library. ...

Yo Quiero Links!

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Another week, another roundup of great stuff related to all things bilingual, including a summer reading list that you will love! 1) Census Bureau Estimates Nearly Half of Children Under Age 5 Are Minorities – The U.S. Census Bureau today released national population estimates showing that our nation is becoming older and more racially and ethnically diverse. The estimates found that nearly half (47 percent) of the nation’s children younger than five were a minority in 2008, with 25 percentRead More ...

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