
4 Things to Consider When Your Child Mixes Languages

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“Mami todavía no vamos a ir a home porque estamos buscando un treasure.” This is what my almost 4-year-old said to me last week as we were heading back from our regular afternoon stroll to the duck pond by our house. I was floored. I know this is totally normal in the journey of those becoming bilingual. I’ve researched and read enough to know there’s nothing to worry about, but I can’t deny I was pretty surprised. I mean, I’veRead More ...

We All Count

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A curious thing happened this weekend as I was paying for a sandwich at a local eatery. The cashiers had been cooing at my baby son, marveling at his big, expressive brown eyes when all of a sudden one of them asked me: “What nationality is he?” I was so taken by surprise that it took me a while to respond.”American,” I said, but her puzzled look made me feel it was necessary to explain further. So I added, “HisRead More ...

Introducing Our Contributors: Suzanne

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We’ve spent the last four days introducing you to our recently chosen regular contributors. Today, we bring you our fifth one. But before we let you meet her, we’d like to recap who the first four ones are and what you can expect to read in their posts. Chelsea – a 20-something single mom of a little boy she’s raising bilingual even when Spanish is not her first language! Susan – a non-native Spanish speaker mother of two boys she’sRead More ...

Introducing Our Contributors: Kimberly

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We hope you’ve been enjoying reading about our first three regular contributors. In case you haven’t had a chance to “meet” them, so far we’ve introduced you to Chelsea (a single, non-native Spanish speaker raising her son bilingual); Susan (another non-native Spanish speaker raising her two boys trilingual); and Elsie (a Latina raising her daughter bilingual who has promised to share her abuela’s recipes with all of us!). Today we’d like you to get to know Kim who brings aRead More ...

Introducing Our Contributors: Elsie

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We are thrilled to be introducing you to our five regular contributors. As we mentioned on Monday, each one brings a different perspective on raising bilingual and bicultural children. We have already introduced Chelsea, a single mom who’s raising her son bilingual (English/Spanish) even when Spanish is not her native language. On Tuesday, you met Susan, a mother of two who is raising her son trilingual (English/Spanish/German) and has tons of ideas on how to do it. Today, we’d likeRead More ...

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